Thursday, December 8, 2011

Elf on the Shelf

I know a lot of you guys have been keeping up with our Elf on the Shelf through FB but I wanted to blog about him too. This has to be the most fun I have had with Brooklynn since she was born. She has enjoyed  Christmas before this year but now that she is a little older she is really LOVING it and all the magic that comes with the season. I have seen Elf on the Shelf  in previous years but never really got interested in it simply because I had no reason to. Brooklynn Rose is four months away from being four years old and this is the PERFECT time for Elf on the Shelf. I searched all over town trying to run one down and I was unsuccessful. My friend Lacon, seen where I posted on FB that I was looking for one and she came to my rescue. She went and picked one up for me while I was at work and I was super pumped!  (Thanks Lacon) That night when we got home I read the story to Brooklynn and the fun began. The story is that the Elf hangs around your house to see if you're being naughty or nice and then he flies to North Pole to report to Santa on your behavior. Every morning when he returns home, he choose another hiding spot and you have to find him when you wake up. You have to name your elf and I wanted to name him Jingle and B wanted to name him Fuzzy so we settled on Fuzzy Jingle.  So fun right?!

This is where I first placed Fuzzy Jingle, in our Christmas tree.

The second morning Brooklynn found him on the bathroom shelf.
We think the he was there to make sure she brushes her teeth.

Here is Fuzzy Jingle hanging on the door knob.
This was in response to her question "how does Fuzzy Jingle get in and out of our house"

Then we found him sitting on Brooklynn's wreath on the door to her room.
From this spot he has a clear view of her room and if she is keeping it clean.

Fuzzy Jingle is to much!
Here he is driving Barbie around in her car.

He must have been hungry after his trip to the North Pole.
We found him hiding in the Honey Bun Box.

This morning was my favorite, we found them having tea.
I think Fuzzy Jingle has a thing for Barb, don't y'all?

Brooklynn has been so eager to get out of bed every morning and find Fuzzy Jingle. It's seriously the sweetest thing I have ever seen when she finds him and decides why he is hiding in that particular spot. It's funny to hear her imagination and her explanation on how he does things. I miss being a kid and believing with my whole heart that Santa was real and that he had elf's. Elf on the Shelf brings it alive even more for kids today. Brooklynn has been a really good girl and Fuzzy Jingle is always on her mind. I will post more pics as Fuzzy finds even more creative spots to hide! Hope you guys are having as much fun watching as I am doing it! Merry Christmas everyone!!

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

It's the MOST wonderful time of the year!

Hello, Friends! I have been neglecting my blog long enough! I have skipped over some big events so we will play catch up really fast.

Thanksgiving was great! Robert, Jamie Lee, and Lyvi love came to stay with us at OUR house for a few days. Brooklynn was ecstatic and so was I.  We did the usual family gatherings and I tried to soak in every single second. I can remember when Brooklynn was Olyvia's age and her first Thanksgiving like it was yesterday. Olyvia was so sweet and made Thanksgiving so much sweeter! Thursday night Jamie Lee, Laura, and I went shopping at Toys-R-Us and we had a blast. We decided it would be our new family/sister tradition! Friday morning they headed home and Brooklynn and I went to visit her Mimi in Meridian for the weekend. All and all the  Thanksgiving holiday was great! Here are a few pics!

B was having a ball pushing Lyv' around in her baby stroller

She loves this baby SO much

Beautiful family

sweet cousins

Aunt Jamie Lee always makes B feel special
I'm so glad she is a part of Brooklynn's life

Sisters & I waiting to shop

This was Saturday in Meridian. I took the girls to the mall and to the movies.

Well that was a quick run down on Thanksgiving. December is under way and going just as fast as November did. This past weekend was the Christmas parade and Brooklynn and I went with the Barefoots.
We had a blast. So fun to have old friends and our kids be friends. Their sweet faces and infectious giggles kept us laughing as all the floats went by. It was great day. Here are a few pics.

Parker & Brooklynn

sweet sweet

I hope they are life long friends just like Holli & I

Britt with Cruz, Parker, and Brooklynn Rose

She was worn out after all the fun

This is truly my favorite time of the year. Family, friends, decorations, music, and love! Everything is just so great! Here are a few more pics of the holiday season so far. We started a tradition this year and we got an Elf on the Shelf. Stay tuned for more pics of him and all his hiding spots. Merry Christmas everyone, enjoy it!!

She loves Aunt LaLa

best friend

can we say adorable??

Meet Fuzzy Jingle
Stay tuned!!

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

One Little Indian Girl

Yesterday was Brooklynn's first ever Thanksgiving Feast as a preschooler. She has been anticipating it ever since the calendar came out at the end of last month. She was so excited that my mom and I would be able to join her at school for a little while. She went to bed talking about it Monday night and woke up still talking about it Tuesday morning.

We had lunch in the gym there at Highland and everything was set up so nice. All the crafts that the kids have done for Thanksgiving were used as decorations for the tables. I was really impressed with how cute it was.  Brooklynn's class were Indians and some classes were Pilgrims. They were all so adorable.

This was one of the crafts that was used on the table for decorations. I thought it was so sweet and I brought it to work and hung it in my cubical. Children are so sweet and innocent and the things that Brooklynn listed that she was thankful for made my heart smile. I love my sweet baby.
7.pillow pet
8.pillow with my name on it

I really enjoyed the Thanksgiving Feast and all that it entailed. It brought back many memories from my childhood and I'm so glad that I'm not missing any of Brooklynn's. Every day she is growing and sometimes I wish I could just freeze time. Before now she has always grown physically but now it's like every other part of her is growing. Her heart, her emotions, her humor, her love, her intelligence, her vocabulary... everything is just changing. I feel the toddler years slipping away and I'm so proud of the sweet, giving, and loving little girl that she is becoming.

Their little outfits were to cute

Brooklynn & Emma

Grandma & Brooklynn Rose

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Jesus loves me....this I know.

When I posted my last entry which was my own personal view on i26, I never imagined what all would come with it. I knew when I made a voice for my OWN belief that I would be ridiculed but I never thought I would find myself, my character, my morals, and my salvation at other people's disposal. I like to think I have thick skin and no matter what others say about me or how they treat me I believe deep down they still are only  human and they still have good intentions. That has been tested and I have doubted peoples intentions a lot lately. I find it interesting that people are so quick to judge and to throw you under the bus just because you don't see things they way that they do especially when they are coming at you from their belief of religion. So many things have been to said to me in "God's name" or from "God's word" that were cruel and have pushed me further away from wanting to belong to a part of Christ which is his church. I know it is not fair to say that all Christians have behaved this way or treated me this way and that is true. Not all of them have but what I have learned through all this is how quick we are to use God to condemn others when our lives are not  flawless or with out sin. Do we not think that those people do not talk to God or seek God's counsel or forgiveness. Do we think we are above them because we can slam them with bible verses? Do we think that is how Jesus would treat them? What about all the other sins? What about tithing and not doing it as we should, what about gossiping, what about gambling, what about sleeping with other people's husbands or wives, what about cheating on our taxes, what about slander, what about disobeying our parents, what about jealousy, what about coveting our neighbor, what about using the Lord's name in vain, what about sex before marriage, what about treating our body like a Temple.. I could go on and on but what's the point? I know Jesus's blood covered all those sins so who am I to judge the life someone else is living or what sins they are struggling with because I HAVE MY OWN SINS!! Just as God was with people who decided to vote no which has been viewed as wrong or "sinful" or as not protecting the unborn...He is also with us on every other choice we make. He is there even in secret times when no one else is watching. He is there when all of these other things occur in our lives so why would we question people or say people are not of Christ because they are voting no because of their own convictions. I am blown away by this. I have really been discouraged not by what was said to me as an attack but that we live in a time and with people who think it is okay to do so because of their belief in God. I have had to examine my heart and remind myself of the grudges I hold against people because they do not see things just as I do. I have challenged myself to make a conscience effort to not judge people and the life they live. Their life is between them and God just as mine is between me and God. To the people who are voting yes and have expressed your opinions with me in a loving mater, you have my utmost most respect. With all this said let's all make sure our hands are clean before we throw stones at someone else or question their salvation or if they have seeked God's counsel just because they do not see things the exact same way we do. I have been proud to be a voice for what I believe in even if it came with all this ridicule and crule comments and attacks to my personal relastionship with God because I have learned and been reminded that Jesus loves everyone no matter what their sins, what thier vote, or what their view on things are are and I should behave in the same manner. Let's love people instead of condemning them!

Thursday, November 3, 2011

My view on Initiative 26

This is a picture of Brooklynn Rose when I was 28 weeks pregnant.

Be it Enacted by the People of the State of

SECTION 1. Article III of the constitution of
the state of Mississippi is hereby amended BY THE

SECTION 33. Person defined. As used in this
Article III of the state constitution, “The term ‘person’
or ‘persons’ shall include every human being from
the moment of fertilization, cloning or the functional
equivalent thereof.

Yes, that’s the whole thing. That’s the entire text of the amendment to the Mississippi Constitution that you’re being asked to approve.

Now that you all have seen what the initiative actually reads let me explain why I will be voting no. I have been posting many links on FB not to condemn anyone who is voting yes but only so people will understand why I am voting no. I have read many things on FB that have attacked the character and faith of individuals who are choosing to vote no. Yesterday I finally had enough. When I read a post that was easy  to be interpreted to feel aimed at those who are voting no that said "they are okay murdering children for a voice of freedom" my skin crawled. How can you say such a general statement. Not everyone who is voting no is okay murdering children for a voice of freedom. Actually none of the people that I know who are voting no are okay with murdering children. So to read such a broad statement really stirred me up.

I am voting no simply because the initiative DOES NOT ban abortion. Let me repeat... this initiative DOES NOT ban abortion. What this initiative does is leave to much gray area and unanswered questions for ME. There are many scare tactics out there but there are also a lot of facts out there. Therefore, you must educate yourself and do research to be able to know the difference between the two.

First off lets start with IVF. Which is my biggest concern. I know many women and couples who have had trouble conceiving children naturally and who have turned to IVF for help. I also look ahead to the future and think what if Brooklynn grows up to be one of those women. I want her to have every possible chance at motherhood and experiencing the joy of being a parent.

The official Yes On 26 FAQ says that “Personhood would not end in-vitro fertilitization”. So why do we say it will? The simple answer is that 26 imposes restrictions which will regulate IVF out of existence here in Mississippi, even if nothing ever says that “IVF is illegal”. 26′s own supporters say that it will prohibit embryo cryopreservation and limit the number of eggs which doctors can attempt to fertilize to no more than two eggs. The medical realities of IVF mean that these two restrictions would end physicians’ ability to perform IVF in Mississippi. RESOLVE: the National Infertility Association strongly opposes Initiative 26 because of the unacceptable consequences for infertility treatment. (Please note that RESOLVE is an independent organization whose mission is strictly limited to advocacy and education for infertility treatment.)

If a doctor can only fertilize two eggs this cuts a woman's chance of getting pregnant through IVF from forty five percent to five percent. This initiative DOES NOT ban abortion but does hender IVF for women who desperately want children and to me it's not worth a vote yes when this comes into play.

Next lets discuss ectopic pregnancy.  The Yes On 26 campaign claims that it won’t prevent doctors from saving women’s lives in the “hard case where the baby is unviable”. However, there is a great deal of uncertainty about which treatments would and wouldn’t be available. There is good reason to believe that 26 would prevent physicians from using non-surgical or fertility-preserving treatment for ectopic pregnancy. Personhood campaigns in other states such as Colorado have claimed that tubal-removal surgery is the only personhood-compatible treatment for ectopic pregnancy, as do many pro-life groups. Personhood supporters make the claim that doctors “would be required to save both lives if possible”. In pro-life hospitals around the US, this is already interpreted in ways which threaten womens’ lives and physical health, even when it is clear that there is no hope to save the pregnancy. Who will decide when doctors have done enough to save both lives, and when ending the pregnancy is medically justified? How will it be determined that doctors are in compliance with the law? These are key reasons why the Mississippi Section of the American Congress of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, the Mississippi State Medical Association, and Bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of Mississippi do not support Initiative 26.  The initiative does not cover this or say enough to cover the gray areas on ectopic pregnancy.

Next is birth control. Which has been very confusing and very debated. Would Initiative 26 open the door to prohibiting many common forms of birth control? The simple answer is yes. Yes On 26′s own website makes it clear that IUDs are incompatible with personhood. Presumably this would also extend to women who already have IUDs in place, since the violation of personhood is caused by the existence of the IUD, not by the insertion process. Hormonal birth control is a more complicated issue. All forms of hormonal birth control can potentially prevent implantation, which Yes On 26 claims is incompatible with personhood. It should be noted that prominent members of the Yes On 26 Advisory Board, and Personhood Colorado, have quite explicitly stated that they consider hormonal contraceptives to be “chemical abortifacients” and that “they do in fact cause abortions”. So if taking the pill prevents implantation, under this initiative, it will be come illegal because initiative 26 means you are a person even before you are in your mothers womb. So if you are taking any form of birth control that stops implanation then you are doing something illegal.  Again another gray area of this initiative and again a reason why I can't vote yes because this is written to poorly to know what will and will not happen.

Now lets talk about rape and incest exceptions. I hate to even entertain the thought of Brooklynn being raped or any ones child getting raped by a stranger or someone in their family but guess what... IT HAPPENS. I was in fourth grade when I started my period. That means if I would have been raped or had sex in fourth grade then I could have became pregnant. I don't know what I would do or how I would respond if I found myself in that situation with my daughter. I cant say I would or would not do this. All I know is that I would want an option for my little girl in fourth grade who just suffered this horrendous crime and violation to her body. Judge me how you please but there is no way I would put my daughter through that at such a young age.

If you believe that abortion ought to be available in cases of rape and incest, you MUST vote No on 26. It’s that simple.  According to the Yes On 26 FAQ, Initiative 26 means that women and girls who have been victims of sexual assault would be forced to go through pregnancy and childbirth.  Just as abortion would not be available to these women and girls, emergency contraception (the “morning after pill”) would not be available to them, since Yes On 26 considers it a “human pesticide” whose usage would be banned by Initiative 26. Even most people who consider themselves pro-life believe that there should be exceptions for rape and incest victims. Yes On 26 does not.

I respect people however they vote. If you vote yes that is your choice and your right just as it is mine to vote no. The links and info that I have posted on my FB page are there to help those who are unsure and to help people understand why I am voting no. It's not because I am okay with murdering children for a voice of  freedom. It's because if this initiative passes abortion WILL NOT be banned but all these other problems will come into our lives on a daily basis. The churches of this county and around MS have led people to believe that by voting yes they will be making abortion become non existent which is not true and have neglected to inform voters what all problems initiative 26 could possibly occur for women's health. It is easy to make people think that if they vote for this they will be ending abortion and that is just not the case. I myself thought that until I did some research of my own. I encourage you to not only read the things I post but to do some digging and learn what is at stake for us and the generation we are raising. I do know that this amendment will lead the way for our state to over turn "Roe vs. Wade" if is passed but I don't believe this is the proper way to do it. The things that are at stake are not worth it to me so that is why I am voting no because the good does not outweigh the bad for me.

I hate nothing more than to be misunderstood. That is why I have posted the things that I have so that people will understand why I am voting no. Yes, I did get rattled yesterday by people who make such general statements about people who are voting no and that is why I took a stand against it! I have relied on for a lot of the information stated in this blog. It has been the most useful in helping me understand initiative 26. Even if we don't believe in abortion or support abortion it is never our place to cast judgment on people who have had one. We never know what people have been through or why they chose abortion. If we are harsh with our judgement we may push them further away from the God who can give them peace and forgiveness for that choice. It is okay to be pro life but it is not okay to judge people who are not. People make mistakes and I think you and I are both living proof of that. The reason I am voting no to initiative 26  is not because I think it is okay to murder children for a voice of freedom, I am voting no because it is poorly written and leaves to many unanswered questions and highly effects the future of my little girl and what could happen in her life.

Monday, October 31, 2011

Fair Fun

I don't have much time to post but I cant resist sharing some of these photos. Saturday afternoon my dad took Brooklynn, my sister and I to the fair. It was such a pretty day and we had a good time. We ate to much food but it was so good! Brooklynn was so excited about the fair all week and she loved every minute of it.

we we're having so much fun

sweet girl

she loved feeding the animals

she looks just like ME here!

having a blast

she rode most everything by her self but she was loving it

there is no greater man than my Daddy

me & sissy

she loved the whales

of course we had to play games

she loves her pawpaw

love this pic

we ran into miss priss also!

This was her FAVORITE

My beautiful little girl <3

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Child Of The Week

This week at school Brooklynn Rose is child of the week. This simply means that she gets to be the leader, bring a toy to school every day, and make a special treat for her friends. Every child in the class gets to be child of the week and they go in alphabetical order.  I think it's a good thing and makes each child feel special. Brooklynn has been really proud to be child of the week. Since our last name is White she is the last child to have not had a turn to be child of the week yet. So finally it was her turn.

Today was special treat day and what a great time of the year to make a "special treat". I did lots of looking on the internet for fall and halloween ideas. I came across rice krispie treats in the shape of pumpkins and they were super cute and easy.  After work I picked up everything I needed and headed to Mom's house to make them. Brooklynn was so excited and jumped right in to help. We messed up the recipie and had to fix it in the end so the food coloring was not quite strong enough. They were supposed to be bright orange and they were until we had to manipulate the recipie a little bit. I know what you're thinking. How do you mess up rice krispie treats.. well by adding double the butter you actually needed. Whoops! We ended up just adding more rice krispies and they turned out fine all except the color. They were still yummy and Brooklynn was still really proud of them. I loved being in the kitchen with my mom and Brooklynn. Brooklynn was singing obnoxiously like she does ALL the time as she giggled and helped like the big girl she is. My mom was grinning ear to ear and I was soaking in every second. When my mom was my age, her mom had already passed. I can't imagine not  having my mom with me right now. I look forward to the years of Brooklynn, my mom, and myself being in the kitchen. We made sweet treats and sweet memories.

sweet girl with her hair a hott mess

love this picture

big girl

you get the picture


she was so proud


thumbs up

love love love