Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Jesus loves me....this I know.

When I posted my last entry which was my own personal view on i26, I never imagined what all would come with it. I knew when I made a voice for my OWN belief that I would be ridiculed but I never thought I would find myself, my character, my morals, and my salvation at other people's disposal. I like to think I have thick skin and no matter what others say about me or how they treat me I believe deep down they still are only  human and they still have good intentions. That has been tested and I have doubted peoples intentions a lot lately. I find it interesting that people are so quick to judge and to throw you under the bus just because you don't see things they way that they do especially when they are coming at you from their belief of religion. So many things have been to said to me in "God's name" or from "God's word" that were cruel and have pushed me further away from wanting to belong to a part of Christ which is his church. I know it is not fair to say that all Christians have behaved this way or treated me this way and that is true. Not all of them have but what I have learned through all this is how quick we are to use God to condemn others when our lives are not  flawless or with out sin. Do we not think that those people do not talk to God or seek God's counsel or forgiveness. Do we think we are above them because we can slam them with bible verses? Do we think that is how Jesus would treat them? What about all the other sins? What about tithing and not doing it as we should, what about gossiping, what about gambling, what about sleeping with other people's husbands or wives, what about cheating on our taxes, what about slander, what about disobeying our parents, what about jealousy, what about coveting our neighbor, what about using the Lord's name in vain, what about sex before marriage, what about treating our body like a Temple.. I could go on and on but what's the point? I know Jesus's blood covered all those sins so who am I to judge the life someone else is living or what sins they are struggling with because I HAVE MY OWN SINS!! Just as God was with people who decided to vote no which has been viewed as wrong or "sinful" or as not protecting the unborn...He is also with us on every other choice we make. He is there even in secret times when no one else is watching. He is there when all of these other things occur in our lives so why would we question people or say people are not of Christ because they are voting no because of their own convictions. I am blown away by this. I have really been discouraged not by what was said to me as an attack but that we live in a time and with people who think it is okay to do so because of their belief in God. I have had to examine my heart and remind myself of the grudges I hold against people because they do not see things just as I do. I have challenged myself to make a conscience effort to not judge people and the life they live. Their life is between them and God just as mine is between me and God. To the people who are voting yes and have expressed your opinions with me in a loving mater, you have my utmost most respect. With all this said let's all make sure our hands are clean before we throw stones at someone else or question their salvation or if they have seeked God's counsel just because they do not see things the exact same way we do. I have been proud to be a voice for what I believe in even if it came with all this ridicule and crule comments and attacks to my personal relastionship with God because I have learned and been reminded that Jesus loves everyone no matter what their sins, what thier vote, or what their view on things are are and I should behave in the same manner. Let's love people instead of condemning them!

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