Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Healthy Is What I Need To Be

Hey guys! This blog wont be to long but it wont be to short either. 

I started my journey to a healthy life style on August 26, 2012. Notice the two words I used HEALTHY & LIFESTYLE. I have been over weight almost my entire life. I can remember at the start of second grade, coming to school and being weighed, and my teacher telling me I had gained eighteen pounds over the summer, AS A SECOND GRADER! That is my first memory of my weight being pointed out to me. Until that point in my life, I had been itty bitty. From then on out, I continued to gain weight the rest of my childhood, adolescent years, and into young adult life.

I have always been aware of my weight but no one in my life has ever been mean or cruel to me because of it. I have always had great parents, siblings, friends and so forth who have never been ugly to me because I was over weight. I was never bullied by anyone but MYSELF and that did not start until a few years back. I now have a four year old little girl and I'm pretty much her main care taker. I know everything about her. I know her moods. She is mine and how unfair was I being by not making my life the best it could be for her. She needs me and I made a vow to  her and myself that my weight would never be a reason that I would be taken from her.

I don't know why it has taken me this long to REALLY change my lifestyle.  I'm lazy that's one reason for sure. I'm tired, I don't have time, I don't have the money... yeah do these excuses sound familiar? These are some of my favorite excuses. The ones I used ALL the time. I joined Instagram back in the summer and in August I found myself constantly looking at people who were changing the way they lived, changing their diet, changing their habits and changing their body. I became obsessed with looking at it and finally after a hard month of August and feeling depressed I knew some things had to change and then I had to actually change them.

I decided I would not pressure myself but I would make choices that would lead to better health. On Instagram the big thing for these people who were changing so much was "clean eating". Clean eating is simple. It's mostly raw veggies and fruits and staying away from processed foods. Shopping organic is another big key in clean eating. I also noticed that most of these people prepped their food days in advance. They did not wake up in the crazy of the morning trying to plan a menu for the day. They prepared and that was something I wanted to do as well. I went through what seemed thousands of pictures looking at what I thought I would like to try and getting ideas to help me stick to what I was trying to do. I went to the grocery store with my list and it's been no turning back from there. I feel better. My clothes fit better. My body is functioning better. I sleep better. I get up better. I AM BETTER!

People have been asking me on Instagram for ideas and questions about what I do. I simply look at other people who eat clean on Instagram and go off of what they post. My grocery list always includes the following items.
  • bananas
  • apples
  • plums
  • grapes
  • one big bag of frozen fruit (yes this is processed)
  • cucumbers
  • broccoli
  • cauliflower
  • carrots
  • celery
  • bell peppers
  • green beans
  • black beans
  • mushrooms
  • lettuce or spinach
  • pickles
  • eggs
  • egg whites
  • ground turkey
  • turkey sandwich meat (also processed)
  • chicken (processed)
  • hummus
  • sugar free balsamic dressing
  • orowheat sandwich thins (100 calories for both pieces)
  • brown rice
  • sugar free/fat free cool whip
  • tuna
  • Pico de Gallo
  • plain Greek yogurt (taste just like sour cream)
  • nuts
  • water
I'm sure I left something out and this list also changes and varies every time I go but at any point in time I have to have most of these on hand. Yes, some things are processed. I'm trying really hard to stay away from that but I'm still learning and for now these things are a part of what I eat. I also read the book "You Are What You Eat". I totally suggest getting it!

I found since eating these foods that I eat more now than I ever have. I literally eat a piece of fruit or some cucumbers or pickles almost every hour. I never get hungry because I am constantly feeding my body. When I leave my house in the morning my bag is full of food and when I get home it is all gone. Raw fruits and veggies are so good for your body and still have all of their nutritional value. They give your body fuel and burn fat among other great things. I also try to eat supper by 5:00 pm and all I drink is water! Gonna post some pics that I have been taking along the way.

shop colorful

Prepping is KEY for me!

These are delish and can also be made with egg whites.

Stuffed bell peppers using ground turkey.. delish!!

Lunch yesterday

baked chicken and veggies

These are high is fat but it's the kind of fat your body needs.
I stayed away from these until I read the book I mentioned earlier.
These give me an instant boost of energy!

Salad with all the trimmings is one of my favorites.

I mean do you see it?

Week one and end of week three

Week one and end of week three

Early August and day two of week four.

I hope these pictures are proof of what clean eating can do for you. Besides walking, I have not done any exercising. Mainly because I'm still scared with my broke foot healing. I'm hoping I get some running shoes for my birthday and I'm gonna start Couch to 5K. That is my next big goal. To date, I have lost fifteen pounds. Every day is a choice to eat right. Every day is a choice to care about my health enough to do the right thing. I have not eaten any fast food since I started and I used to eat fast food at least four times a week. (gross I know).  I feel like I am on the right path and I'm really enjoying it. I will be a living example for my daughter and a healthy lifestyle. I will be around for her and I will be healthy while doing so.


  1. Your mother ~xxxxoooooSeptember 19, 2012 at 3:52 PM

    So proud of you jenne~Pooh :)Now I need to follow in your foot steps,keep it up :) Love you! Mom

  2. You look great Jennifer!!! Nothing tastes as great as being healthy and looking great feels...Keep up the great work.
