Friday, August 26, 2011

Super Mom loses her cape.

Today was sack lunch day at school and I totally forgot. I was the mom who showed up with her kid and no sack lunch. I'm the mom who looked unprepared...wait I was unprepared. Yesterday I allowed Brooklynn to skip school so I missed the reminder that they posted at school for the parents. On that note, I allowed her to skip school only to spend time with Bob Bob, Aunt Jamie Lee and baby Lyv'. We were up so late Wednesday night waiting for them to get here that I knew she would never get up for school the next morning. Brooklynn loves her sleep and she is just like me, she does not function with out it. So I made the choice to let her stay home.

We woke up the morning refreshed and ready to go. I over slept ten minutes and was still ahead of my morning schedule. (I love mornings like that) Brooklynn got up in the best mood and was moving quickly just like me. It's casual day at work so that made getting ready a piece of cake for me and it's Friday so my carefree mood passed right on by putting any make up on. We were both dressed and ready to go by six twenty (new record for us) and I was making oatmeal and done with breakfast by six forty and we were out the door. It's crazy how smooth mornings can instantly put me in a GREAT mood. I was feeling ten feet tall and proud that we have our morning routine mastered. Boogie and I talked the whole way to school. We talked about what our plans were for the weekend and we talked about her friends and school. At the peak of my good Friday morning mood we roll into the parking lot and I seen the sign that said "Don't forget tomorrow is sack lunch day". Well they had written that the day before and since I was a slacker and let B stay home I totally missed the reminder. Oh great! I instantly lost my good mood and felt regret for letting B skip school start creeping up in my head. If I had stuck to schedule and made her go to school then I would not have forgotten to pack a sack lunch. I felt like a super mom who just lost her cape. Here I was in this great mood and feeling good about things and the way they were going then wham in my face, the mood was gone! So I take B on in to class and tell Ms. Nett whats going and then attached my super mom cape back on and flew over to Corner Market to purchase a Lunchable and brought it back to school.

Yesterday I came across a quote that said  "“There is no way to be a perfect mother, and a million ways to be a good one". This quote is so true and really stuck with me. I know I will never be a perfect mother but I know that I do the millions of things that make me a good one. So ladies when you feel like the super mom who loses her cape just remember how fast you can put it back on.


  1. doreenmcneil58@yahoo.comAugust 26, 2011 at 2:40 PM

    Your doing great Jenn,we live life in the fast lane & things like this happen~ILY ~mom

  2. jenn, NO WORRIES! there will always be times when you feel like you made the wrong decision but you are a fabulous mom. that much is obvious!
