Friday, August 26, 2011

Super Mom loses her cape.

Today was sack lunch day at school and I totally forgot. I was the mom who showed up with her kid and no sack lunch. I'm the mom who looked unprepared...wait I was unprepared. Yesterday I allowed Brooklynn to skip school so I missed the reminder that they posted at school for the parents. On that note, I allowed her to skip school only to spend time with Bob Bob, Aunt Jamie Lee and baby Lyv'. We were up so late Wednesday night waiting for them to get here that I knew she would never get up for school the next morning. Brooklynn loves her sleep and she is just like me, she does not function with out it. So I made the choice to let her stay home.

We woke up the morning refreshed and ready to go. I over slept ten minutes and was still ahead of my morning schedule. (I love mornings like that) Brooklynn got up in the best mood and was moving quickly just like me. It's casual day at work so that made getting ready a piece of cake for me and it's Friday so my carefree mood passed right on by putting any make up on. We were both dressed and ready to go by six twenty (new record for us) and I was making oatmeal and done with breakfast by six forty and we were out the door. It's crazy how smooth mornings can instantly put me in a GREAT mood. I was feeling ten feet tall and proud that we have our morning routine mastered. Boogie and I talked the whole way to school. We talked about what our plans were for the weekend and we talked about her friends and school. At the peak of my good Friday morning mood we roll into the parking lot and I seen the sign that said "Don't forget tomorrow is sack lunch day". Well they had written that the day before and since I was a slacker and let B stay home I totally missed the reminder. Oh great! I instantly lost my good mood and felt regret for letting B skip school start creeping up in my head. If I had stuck to schedule and made her go to school then I would not have forgotten to pack a sack lunch. I felt like a super mom who just lost her cape. Here I was in this great mood and feeling good about things and the way they were going then wham in my face, the mood was gone! So I take B on in to class and tell Ms. Nett whats going and then attached my super mom cape back on and flew over to Corner Market to purchase a Lunchable and brought it back to school.

Yesterday I came across a quote that said  "“There is no way to be a perfect mother, and a million ways to be a good one". This quote is so true and really stuck with me. I know I will never be a perfect mother but I know that I do the millions of things that make me a good one. So ladies when you feel like the super mom who loses her cape just remember how fast you can put it back on.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

She's a BIG girl now!

Well I have put off long enough blogging about Brooklynn's first day of "big school". Truth is, I was so worked up over NOTHING! Brooklynn did so great and I was so proud of her. The whole week before sending her to big school, all day it would lurk in the back of mind about my baby going off to big school. I was worried about things that would never happen in a million years. Why would I ever think that my bubbly full of life little girl would struggle to make friends or fit in? She is the most caring and nurturing child and of course her class mates would be drawn to that.

Brooklynn was so anxious and excited about her first day at school that she woke up at 5:00 Monday morning. We did some household chores and cooked breakfast but the whole time she was ready to get to school. The whole time I was getting her ready all I could think about is if she would cry or not. We had visited her school and her teachers just a few days before this an she LOVED it so I was undecided on how she would handle it. I had this great fear that I would have to leave her in a puddle full of tears. Well we got there and went into her class room to drop some things off and her teacher had not arrived yet. I usually drop her off between 7:00 and 7:15 and her teacher does not arrive till  close to 8. This rattled her a little bit that she did not see the familiar person she was expecting to see. The morning ladies convinced her to come on in the "TV room" and watch a movie till her teacher got there. She still was not crying at this point. She asked where Ms. Cindy was (that's her teacher) and we told her she would be there shortly. I told her I had to get to work and then then the tears began to fall. Oh no! My fear was coming true and my heart was breaking. I gave her a big hug and a quick kiss and could feel my own tears building up. I walked out the door and could hear my baby crying her scared cry. I knew she would be okay but I also knew she was scared and that was killing me. I ran into Jess and Lillie in the parking lot (these are friends from Tiny's who are also now going to Highland) and when Jess walked in with Lillie which was moments later I listened as she went inside to see if I could hear Brooklynn crying any more and to my surprise she was not. I took a deep breath and felt better knowing at least she was not crying. I got in my car and lost it. I had kept it together as long as I could and finally the tears came. Everyone always told me to enjoy every second of Brooklynn being little because they grow up so fast and how true that has turned out to be. It hit me that I was dropping off my baby for preschool and she was officially a little girl. Three and half years have passed so fast and I was consumed with emotion. Her first day went great and she LOVES school. She got a little sad on the second day but there were no tears and this morning when I walked her in she wouldn't even hold my hand. I would say she has adjusted just fine. She never ceases to amaze me. Her sweet and warm spirit comfort me so much. Her strength and confidence inspire me. To watch her little brain grow and learn and to hear her adventures from school assure me that she is right where she needs to be. Preschool was a big step for her but probably an even bigger step for Momma.

First day at Highland Learning Center
She looked so pretty

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

"This is not good bye" - Tiny Turner

Well I'm so excited to blog about Brooklynn's first day of school at Highland Learning Center but before I do that I want to share about Her last day at Tiny's. I have put this off because I was way more emotional about her leaving Tiny's then I was about her starting 3K.

Brooklynn started going to Tiny's house when she was six weeks old... yes SIX WEEKS OLD. She was a teeny, tiny, itty, bitty baby and it was one of the hardest days of my life. My emotions were still out of whack and my nerves were shot from six weeks of sleepless nights and adjusting to having a newborn in my life. I cried the whole way to work and then cried till about lunch time at work.  I remember calling Tiny at lunch time to check on Brooklynn and Tiny saying to me "you know you can call any time you want". Ahh a sense of relief. I didn't wanna be the crazy mom that calls a million times a day but Tiny let me know I could be.

Tiny captured a lot of things for me on video and through pictures. She would text me and let me know what  new things she was doing and it always made me feel better and a part of things even while I was at work. In September the twins were born, Kennedy and Kelly. Now Tiny would have 3 babies in the house under six months old. It never seemed to phase her. Tiny has always loved Brooklynn like her own and that is evident by the love my child has for her.

When B was ten months old I was laid off from my job. So Brooklynn and I started our journey of job searching together. This was not easy and I quickly learned I was not a stay at home mom! So kudos's to you ladies who do it because it's extremely HARD work. I had no job from February to December but Brooklynn would still go to Tiny's at least once every two weeks. When I got my job at Howard's in December it was no question where Brooklynn would go... straight back to Tiny's and she has been there ever since.

Tiny has taught Brooklynn so many things. She spent just as much time with Tiny as she did me, if not more. Never once did I pick up Brooklynn Rose and she not have a smile on her face. Never once did I drop her off with a tear in her eye either. She always walked right in like she owned the place and Tiny would let her think she did. Brooklynn made a lot of friends at Tiny's house but her BEST friends are Kennedy and Kelly. She and Kennedy are like two peas in pods. When I would pick her up she would tell me what she and Kennedy had done all day which even included their arguments.

When I decided that I would put Brooklynn in 3K my biggest concern was that she would be in an unfamiliar place. Children are so resilient and adjust to things so quickly but still that was my biggest fear. She has known nothing but Tiny and the kids at Tiny's house. I didn't wanna deal with the tears or know that I was leaving my baby somewhere that she didn't feel secure even if that would only last a few days. She loves Tiny and she loves her friends there.

As the last week came of her going to Tiny's,  my heart grew a little more sad each day because I knew in a few short days she would not be going there any more. Tiny and I both promised we wouldn't cry but I did not keep up my end of the bargain. On Brooklynn's last day, Tiny made it super special for her. They got to make cupcakes and even got to skip nap time. Tiny made Brooklynn a special picture book filled with pictures from the time she started going there up until the day she left.

We were so fortunate to have Tiny in our lives. For those of us who have to work and can't stay home with our children, it is a great peace to know that your child is with someone who loves them just as much as we do. THANK YOU Tiny for all your support over the past three and half years. It has been a great journey and I would never pick any one else to help with the most important years of molding in Brooklynn's life. You are a part of her and she is who she is today because of the time you have poured into her little life. Thank you for your love, encouragement, discipline, humor, patience, inspiration, big hugs, and for an open door to come back any time we want and for reminding me that "this is not good bye". We love you very very much!!

Kelly, Caleb, Maddox, Brooklynn, Kennedy and Parker Man on Brooklynn's last day

We sure will miss our friends

Maddox, B and Parker

Double Trouble and BFF
Brooklynn & Kennedy

Brooklynn, Kelly and Kennedy, sweet sweet picture!

You can tell they love each other

I was wondering how much Tiny paid them for this picture haha

Tiny and Brooklynn
We love you Tiny

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Bieber Fever!!

Here it is folks, THE Justin Bieber back pack and lunch box that my child has raved for! Isn't it beautiful? About a month back Brooklynn was reading through the sales papers like she always does (as if she were sixteen) and she stumbled upon this duo in the Toys-R-Us one. She brought it strait to my attention and told me " I want this Justin Bieber backpack and lunch box for school in August". We have been talking about school in August ever since I decided that She would go. Since then every time we go in Wal-Mart I have showed her the school supplies and all the backpacks and told her that's what we would be buying soon. Every SINGLE time I have done so she has mentioned this back pack and lunch box and insisted that she have it for school.  I even showed her Mickey Mouse, Dora, and Hello Kitty and she just was not interested! She made it clear she would not be going to school with out this backpack and lunch box.

Since then I have been on a hunt. Who knew this would be so hard to track down. This past weekend She went to Meridian to visit her Mimi and when I went to pick her up I went by Toys-R-Us and they didn't have any. She told me to just try back every day and it was the same thing with the Hatttiesburg store. Monday at work I called the Hattiesburg store and the lady told me they had one left. I told her I would make arrangements to have it picked up to please hold it for me. My friend and co-worker Renne' was going to Hattiesburg that night and she picked it up fro me. THANKS RENNE'!!  Finally I scored!! I could not wait to get my hands on it and to show Brooklynn Rose!!

Yesterday at work Renne' brought me the backpack and I didn't think I would have that much satisfaction when I seen it. It was purple and and had glitter on it and JUSTIN BIEBER on it!! It was perfect and I just knew Brooklynn was gonna be even  more excited than I was. I met my mom for lunch and I know she wanted to have lunch with me but I think even more she wanted to see the backpack as well. Now we had a happy Grandma a happy Momma we just need a happy Brooklynn.

When I got off work I went and voted and then went strait to mom's house. I walked in with this huge Toys-R-Us bag and B knew something was up. We made her close her eyes and she was so giddy and could not wait to see what she was getting. As soon as I took it out of the bag her beautiful brown eyes lit up and she was grinning from ear to ear. At that instant and after seeing her little expression I knew I would have walked a million miles, swam  a thousand oceans, and climbed a hundred mountains to have found that backpack and lunch box. She was so excited as she yelled out "Justin Bieber".  Here are a few pics of her and prized possession.

Bieber Fever for sure!

This picture is bitter sweet. It does not seem like my baby should be packing a back pack.

This says it all, she was so happy!

She even had to kiss him.

Now that all the excitement of the Justin Bieber back pack has happened let's talk about my feelings on Miss Priss going to school. I'm so very excited and anxious at the same time. Brooklynn has gone to her current daycare since she was 6 weeks old. To me this transition seems so big even though it's normal. Tiny assures me that Brooklynn is ready but I'm not sure if  I am ready. She loves Tiny and it's such a comfort every morning when she goes bee-bopping in there like she owns the place. She has never once cried going there because to her it's all she knows. I know she will be uneasy about being in an unfamiliar place but I also know she adapts wells and never meets a stranger. I have visions of her playing with her new friends and enjoying school. I know this is a big switch but I have faith that she will adjust well and quickly. I'm gonna try really really hard not to cry when I leave her Monday but I have a feeling that will be an epic failure on my part. To all you Mommas sending your babies to school for the first time just know that I will be crying right along with you!!