Thursday, November 3, 2011

My view on Initiative 26

This is a picture of Brooklynn Rose when I was 28 weeks pregnant.

Be it Enacted by the People of the State of

SECTION 1. Article III of the constitution of
the state of Mississippi is hereby amended BY THE

SECTION 33. Person defined. As used in this
Article III of the state constitution, “The term ‘person’
or ‘persons’ shall include every human being from
the moment of fertilization, cloning or the functional
equivalent thereof.

Yes, that’s the whole thing. That’s the entire text of the amendment to the Mississippi Constitution that you’re being asked to approve.

Now that you all have seen what the initiative actually reads let me explain why I will be voting no. I have been posting many links on FB not to condemn anyone who is voting yes but only so people will understand why I am voting no. I have read many things on FB that have attacked the character and faith of individuals who are choosing to vote no. Yesterday I finally had enough. When I read a post that was easy  to be interpreted to feel aimed at those who are voting no that said "they are okay murdering children for a voice of freedom" my skin crawled. How can you say such a general statement. Not everyone who is voting no is okay murdering children for a voice of freedom. Actually none of the people that I know who are voting no are okay with murdering children. So to read such a broad statement really stirred me up.

I am voting no simply because the initiative DOES NOT ban abortion. Let me repeat... this initiative DOES NOT ban abortion. What this initiative does is leave to much gray area and unanswered questions for ME. There are many scare tactics out there but there are also a lot of facts out there. Therefore, you must educate yourself and do research to be able to know the difference between the two.

First off lets start with IVF. Which is my biggest concern. I know many women and couples who have had trouble conceiving children naturally and who have turned to IVF for help. I also look ahead to the future and think what if Brooklynn grows up to be one of those women. I want her to have every possible chance at motherhood and experiencing the joy of being a parent.

The official Yes On 26 FAQ says that “Personhood would not end in-vitro fertilitization”. So why do we say it will? The simple answer is that 26 imposes restrictions which will regulate IVF out of existence here in Mississippi, even if nothing ever says that “IVF is illegal”. 26′s own supporters say that it will prohibit embryo cryopreservation and limit the number of eggs which doctors can attempt to fertilize to no more than two eggs. The medical realities of IVF mean that these two restrictions would end physicians’ ability to perform IVF in Mississippi. RESOLVE: the National Infertility Association strongly opposes Initiative 26 because of the unacceptable consequences for infertility treatment. (Please note that RESOLVE is an independent organization whose mission is strictly limited to advocacy and education for infertility treatment.)

If a doctor can only fertilize two eggs this cuts a woman's chance of getting pregnant through IVF from forty five percent to five percent. This initiative DOES NOT ban abortion but does hender IVF for women who desperately want children and to me it's not worth a vote yes when this comes into play.

Next lets discuss ectopic pregnancy.  The Yes On 26 campaign claims that it won’t prevent doctors from saving women’s lives in the “hard case where the baby is unviable”. However, there is a great deal of uncertainty about which treatments would and wouldn’t be available. There is good reason to believe that 26 would prevent physicians from using non-surgical or fertility-preserving treatment for ectopic pregnancy. Personhood campaigns in other states such as Colorado have claimed that tubal-removal surgery is the only personhood-compatible treatment for ectopic pregnancy, as do many pro-life groups. Personhood supporters make the claim that doctors “would be required to save both lives if possible”. In pro-life hospitals around the US, this is already interpreted in ways which threaten womens’ lives and physical health, even when it is clear that there is no hope to save the pregnancy. Who will decide when doctors have done enough to save both lives, and when ending the pregnancy is medically justified? How will it be determined that doctors are in compliance with the law? These are key reasons why the Mississippi Section of the American Congress of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, the Mississippi State Medical Association, and Bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of Mississippi do not support Initiative 26.  The initiative does not cover this or say enough to cover the gray areas on ectopic pregnancy.

Next is birth control. Which has been very confusing and very debated. Would Initiative 26 open the door to prohibiting many common forms of birth control? The simple answer is yes. Yes On 26′s own website makes it clear that IUDs are incompatible with personhood. Presumably this would also extend to women who already have IUDs in place, since the violation of personhood is caused by the existence of the IUD, not by the insertion process. Hormonal birth control is a more complicated issue. All forms of hormonal birth control can potentially prevent implantation, which Yes On 26 claims is incompatible with personhood. It should be noted that prominent members of the Yes On 26 Advisory Board, and Personhood Colorado, have quite explicitly stated that they consider hormonal contraceptives to be “chemical abortifacients” and that “they do in fact cause abortions”. So if taking the pill prevents implantation, under this initiative, it will be come illegal because initiative 26 means you are a person even before you are in your mothers womb. So if you are taking any form of birth control that stops implanation then you are doing something illegal.  Again another gray area of this initiative and again a reason why I can't vote yes because this is written to poorly to know what will and will not happen.

Now lets talk about rape and incest exceptions. I hate to even entertain the thought of Brooklynn being raped or any ones child getting raped by a stranger or someone in their family but guess what... IT HAPPENS. I was in fourth grade when I started my period. That means if I would have been raped or had sex in fourth grade then I could have became pregnant. I don't know what I would do or how I would respond if I found myself in that situation with my daughter. I cant say I would or would not do this. All I know is that I would want an option for my little girl in fourth grade who just suffered this horrendous crime and violation to her body. Judge me how you please but there is no way I would put my daughter through that at such a young age.

If you believe that abortion ought to be available in cases of rape and incest, you MUST vote No on 26. It’s that simple.  According to the Yes On 26 FAQ, Initiative 26 means that women and girls who have been victims of sexual assault would be forced to go through pregnancy and childbirth.  Just as abortion would not be available to these women and girls, emergency contraception (the “morning after pill”) would not be available to them, since Yes On 26 considers it a “human pesticide” whose usage would be banned by Initiative 26. Even most people who consider themselves pro-life believe that there should be exceptions for rape and incest victims. Yes On 26 does not.

I respect people however they vote. If you vote yes that is your choice and your right just as it is mine to vote no. The links and info that I have posted on my FB page are there to help those who are unsure and to help people understand why I am voting no. It's not because I am okay with murdering children for a voice of  freedom. It's because if this initiative passes abortion WILL NOT be banned but all these other problems will come into our lives on a daily basis. The churches of this county and around MS have led people to believe that by voting yes they will be making abortion become non existent which is not true and have neglected to inform voters what all problems initiative 26 could possibly occur for women's health. It is easy to make people think that if they vote for this they will be ending abortion and that is just not the case. I myself thought that until I did some research of my own. I encourage you to not only read the things I post but to do some digging and learn what is at stake for us and the generation we are raising. I do know that this amendment will lead the way for our state to over turn "Roe vs. Wade" if is passed but I don't believe this is the proper way to do it. The things that are at stake are not worth it to me so that is why I am voting no because the good does not outweigh the bad for me.

I hate nothing more than to be misunderstood. That is why I have posted the things that I have so that people will understand why I am voting no. Yes, I did get rattled yesterday by people who make such general statements about people who are voting no and that is why I took a stand against it! I have relied on for a lot of the information stated in this blog. It has been the most useful in helping me understand initiative 26. Even if we don't believe in abortion or support abortion it is never our place to cast judgment on people who have had one. We never know what people have been through or why they chose abortion. If we are harsh with our judgement we may push them further away from the God who can give them peace and forgiveness for that choice. It is okay to be pro life but it is not okay to judge people who are not. People make mistakes and I think you and I are both living proof of that. The reason I am voting no to initiative 26  is not because I think it is okay to murder children for a voice of freedom, I am voting no because it is poorly written and leaves to many unanswered questions and highly effects the future of my little girl and what could happen in her life.


  1. thank you for this post!

    1. I want to say thanks to this great man called Dr Samura who helped me in my marriage life. my name is Sarah Hasbarger lives in USA memphise so i was married to Albert we both love and like each other before our marriage, he care about my well being so i was so happy that i have found a man like this in my life my parents love him so much because of his kindness towards me and the way he care about me after four years in my marriage, no child he was not showing me much care anymore but i notice something is going on which i no. then i keep on with the relationship and i was hoping one day God will open my way to have a child in my home then i keep on going to church from one play to another by telling all the pastors about my problems that i don't have a child so many of them promise me that soon i we have a child in my home i keep on hoping in God's miracle on till one day when i went for a visit in my friend office then i was welcome by my friend we started dis causing about so many things on marriage life i was so shock she ask me about my wedding and what is going on till now i still don't have a child then i told her my dear sister i don't no what to do anymore and am scared of loosing my husband who have be caring for me for a long time now then she said i we not loosing him i ask how? then she said there is one man called Dr Samura who help in a relationship then i keep on asking how about him she told me this man can do all thing and make things possible i never believe her for once that this man she is talking about can do it so fast. also i ask her how do i get his contact she said i should not worry my self then she gave me his contact email ID and his number to contact him i said ok i will try my best to do so she wish me the best of luck in life then i went home gotten home, found that my door is open i was scared thinking so many things i don't no who is in my house now i look at the key in my hand i was thinking i did not lock my door shortly a word came into my mind that i should go inside and check if there is any body at home or my husband getting inside, i found that my husband move away his things in the house then i started calling his number refuses to pick i was like a mad Dog i cried and cried don't no what to do then i remember to that a friend of mine gave me a contact today i take my computer i emailed this man called Dr Samura also i called him on his cell phone which i received from my friend he spoke to me very well and i was happy my husband we come back to me so after the work was well done by Dr Samura, just in three days i heard my phone ringing not knowing it was my husband telling me his sorry about what he did to me then i accepted him again a month later, i was pregnant for him so i rest my testimony till i deliver safely i we give the best testimony again so my sisters and brothers if you are in such pain kindly contact this great man with this email SAMURATELLERSPELL100@YAHOO.COM OR CALL +2347030410643

  2. This was a great read. I'm no longer in Mississippi, but all of my family and friends are, including my little sister. I'm pregnant with my first little girl. I would want them BOTH to have every option available to them, like you.

    This prop. also leaves a lot of gray area in what may/may not be done in the case of your delivery of your child. If the fetus has full rights as a human, certain life-saving measures for the mother, and certain ways we deliver these days (Trying to avoid C-Sections or the use of drugs) COULD be prohibited in the case of giving the fetus it's "full rights."

    Does the law say it will? NO. Does it say it won't? NO. that's enough for me to encourage EVERYONE I know to vote no.

    Bless you and your little one!

  3. Can't read this one enough! I hope it reaches a slew of people in time.

  4. Thank you for posting this. I have actual had a ectopic pregnancy and it cost me my tube and almost cost me my life. The odds of me having another ectopic pregnancy are great and 26 would almost guarantee my death. I have shared this on my facebook page and hope anyone else that reads this will do the same.

  5. Thanks for shining a light on this subject.

  6. oh my goodness! i am so thankful for this because i have been trying to get details on this and no one has written in such a great description of all details as you have.

  7. This was wonderful and well written I will def be sharing this on facebook. Thank you

  8. God bless you, Jennifer. Thank you for this post. I will also be voting no.

  9. As a Christian mother I strongly support everything you have shared. Thanks so much for putting this out there for others to get educated.

  10. I was called a babykiller today for feeling like you.

  11. VERY well said! A significant amount of women use birth control these days. Many are pro-life Christians. I wonder if they realize that taking that little pill every day can/will keep a egg from implanting, which technically kills it. But I don't see them calling each other murderers. There is not much difference between a woman that gets an abortion and a woman that uses birth control, only the time frame in which the pregnancy is terminated. I find it extremely hypocritical. I haven't seen many people openly admitting that they're voting no. It's a shame so many of us feel the need to hide our opinion, in fear of getting bashed by people that call themselves Christians.

  12. Thank you so much for posting this! These are great points you make and I think everyone should read this before they vote! :)

  13. So since it doesn't have language that bans abortion, where is the language that says it will affect ectopic pregnancies, IVF, or birth control? It isn't there either. The fact is, the government isn't going to pass a law that bans doctors from saving a woman's life. They aren't going to pass a law that kills birth control or severely limits IVF. All of the specifics will be ironed out after the law is passed, if it passes. So it shouldn't scare you that the law says nothing about those things. Since it says nothing, there's nothing to be scared of.

  14. I was so confused by all the information I found until now. You have cleared a lot of things u for me. I am a christian and I am prolife but I will be voting NO on 26.

  15. That was a really great post and very well thought out. Too many people like to pass judgement and skip the whole "thinking about things" process. I hope your post makes people a t least "think" about what they are voting for or against.

  16. thankyou for sharing i live in ny now but still vote in ms. thankyou for clearing my questions.i am def voting no! i had an etopic pregnancy i cannot believe with this the docs would be forced to try to save it and possibly let the mother die!what is wrong with these people!

  17. Great post! Very explanatory - I only hope it reaches as many people as possible. You are right there are too many gray areas in this amendment to vote vote no.

  18. awesome post :D I actually had someone post a picture today of a pro26 card and said these are the facts and totally ran with anti abortion and when people tried to explain to her the possible unintended consequences she said we were immature and baby killers I will def be forwarding this blog :) thank you a ton im a christian and rape rape victim and I will be voting no

  19. Very well said! Thank you for posting this.

  20. Thank you for writing this. I have also been trying to explain these details to anyone who will listen. My husband is an OB/GYN and if this initiative passes (though it may be a short sentence) it will have a profound impact on his ability to practice medicine.
    The concerns are not about what the initiative says, but what it doesn't say, just as you have listed above. Ectopics, preeclampsia, toxemia, molar pregnancy, birth control, IVF, your insurance premiums, state taxes, teen pregnancy rates....the list goes on... all will be affected.
    Doctors will be second guessing their instincts because of a fear of what repercussions they might face. My husband went into the medical field to help people. In these sad times we live in, he has to be careful of everything he does for fear of frivolous lawsuits, even for normal/routine medical practice. Now, if this passes, he will have to be concerned about possibly facing criminal charges as well. We do not need our medical caregivers to have these thoughts on their minds. If my doctor was trying to save my life, I would not want him/her worrying about "if I do this, will I be arrested?" I would want them to be only concerned with my care and the best possible medicine they have to offer.
    Another unintended result of 26 is that it may also raise physician's malpractice insurance to a point they cannot afford to pay it, therefore prohibiting them from practicing medicine. Mississippi will see their OB/GYN's, Reproductive Endocrinologists, Pharmacists, etc leaving the state to seek practice elsewhere. If there are no doctors to perform IVF, initiative 26 will have essentially banned it. If there are no doctors willing to write a Rx for birth control, again, 26 will have essentially banned it. If there are no doctors willing to treat you, should you develop a medical emergency due to your pregnancy...... You get the idea...

    It is naive to say there is nothing to be scared of.

    I am a Christian. I am a mother.
    I am against abortion. I am voting No.

  21. Let me start off by saying I am gladly and proudly putting my name with is comment. I will not hide behind "Anonymous". If you want to stand for something and stand for it dont be anonymous, be who you are and nothing else. This amendment is about abortion and all forms of it. Some of the points you make are good. But some are a stretch to try and make a point. If you are a Christian as many of you commenting claim to be and follow the Bible as we as Christians are taught to do then there is no way you can say that abortion is ok sometimes. Less than 1% of rape victims become pregnant. As unfortunate and unfair as that situation is that child is still a gift from God. You may not see it or know it today but I promise that you will see it one day. It says in the Bible that all children are gifts from God, not some, not all but children of rape or incest; it says ALL and I challenge anyone to show me different. If you can than I will gladly say I was wrong. Why kill the baby for the sins of the father? As the old saying goes two wrongs dont make a right. I can promise you that as much as you didnt ask for that baby the baby didnt ask for you either. So why are we punishing the baby when they didnt do anything wrong. Why are we saying sorry but your life isnt valuable enough? Will this ban abortion completely no but its a start and everything has to stop somewhere. A baby's life in the womb has no less value than mine as I sit here now saying this. And on the point of rape victims that do become pregnant why is abortion the only option? Why not adoption? And what happens when all of sudden we see a rise in "rape" because someone doesnt want to take responsibility for their choice to have unprotected sex and all they have to do is claim rape so they can have an abortion. At what point do we draw the line and say no enough is enough and this is wrong? At the end of the day abortion is an easy way out so someone doesnt have to be held accountable or responsible for their choices and decisions. I know many will not and do not agree with my thoughts on this matter and that is fine but just as you have right to put it down I have the right to support it. Just as you have the right to explain your stance on it I too have that right. Just as you have the right to say its wrong I too have the right to say why its right. Just as you have the right to post comments or videos or articles to vote no I too have the right too do the same and say why it is right and why abortion is wrong. I know I have left out some points or things out of this but I think I have ranted and rambled on long enough. One last question to ask you and for you to ask yourself. Is any law that ever been passed perfect or without some flaws? NO! Do some laws that has ever been passed raise questions about certain "what ifs" YES! The big picture and main agenda here is abortion and whether or not you support it. I personally do not support abortion never have and never will. I will always continue to fight against it any way possible. Therefor I do support anybody or law that is trying to stop any and all forms of abortion. Let me close by saying I do not say any of this to start a fight or argument with anyone. I am merely stating where I stand on this issue just as all of you have done.

  22. Thanks Jen!! I really needed to read this!! im gonna post this link on FB so others can read this and get the facts that 26 refuses to say!! I actually contacted Greg Sanders, which is on the website with some of my questions through email.. he responded to me with ONLY the link to the!! I wrote him once again saying i have been to the website, obviously, how else would i have gotten his email and that the website did NOT answer my specific questions and thats why i am contacting him! He then replied and said he couldnt answer my questions, due to him NOT KNOWING!! Really?! why are you listed on the website t SUPPORT a bill that you have NO clue about to begin with!! You have answered many of my questions here and ill be voting NO as well!! Thanks soooo much for all the info you provided here and sharing this with everyone!!
    -Megan Napier

  23. Thank u for posting this.I was really confused on this whole ordeal but now I see what its all about and the last time I checked we had freedom of say what u feel is on ur heart,if people don't wanna read it" next"!

  24. Sounds like a lot of assuming to me. No proof. Putting a lot of "assumptions" based on a sentence. How do you know for a FACT all of these things will happen exactly like you stated. Mostly this is your opinion. It seems both sides are throwing out opinions. Really? How do you know for a FACT this will be the absolute outcome if we vote YES? It kills me how both sides are saying "this WILL happen" or "this WON'T happen". Just insane. Either you believe a person starts at conception or you don't.

  25. I'm thankful for all the support from people who have simply said "thanks for posting this". I have not asked anyone to change their vote or to belive me simply because they read this. I have also encouraged everyone in this blog to do thier own research just as I did. The ONLY fact that I posted in this blog is that THIS "I26" WILL NOT BAN ABORTION. If you read carefully you will see all the many times that I said "to much gray area" or "there is no sure way to know what will or will not happen for ME". That is how I believe and have not imposed that on anyone else. Feel free to leave comments here but make sure you quote me correctly. Thanks again guys!

  26. I could not have said it better myself. It was as if you took my exact thoughts and typed them out.

  27. Mr. Joiner, you say adoption is a good alternative to abortion for rape victims, but do you know how many children are already bouncing from foster home to foster home in this state? Do you not realize that that number will only increase if this passes? Do you not realize how that will impact our already-unstable economy? Don't vote yes in an attempt to save all the little unborn babies if you're not willing to help care for them once they're here. I believe Stephen Colbert made a good point when he said, "If this is going to be a Christian nation that doesn't help the poor, either we have to pretend that Jesus was just as selfish as we are, or we've got to acknowledge that He commanded us to love the poor and serve the needy without condition and then admit that we just don't want to do it." If you vote yes, then you need to step up and help care for those children. Otherwise, stop preaching to people who simply can't.

  28. It's not a matter of it WILL happen, it's the fact that it COULD happen.. And we shouldn't leave open space to allow the possibility. Because EVERYTHING IS POSSIBLE!!

    Thanks again Jenn!!

  29. This comment has been removed by the author.

  30. The sad thing to me is that people aren't getting this one basic little fact: All of these unanswered questions, whatifs and maybes can and will be hammered out by the government. I don't care if you are pro-life or pro-choice, putting your absolute faith in the government to decide what the amendment means and how it is going to change things is not acceptable to me. They can barely figure out what to do with money, and I'm supposed to trust them to figure out what a woman (and her doctors) can do with her own body? Let them decide whether or not a woman should have access to emergency contraception after rape? Or birth control so that she can plan when she's ready to have a child? No. I can't accept that.

    This was very well written, and will be added to the things I'm sharing on my own facebook wall. Thank you.

  31. By the way, Jennifer, you summed up everything I've been feeling since this whole thing started. Thank you for putting it out there! I am just not comfortable casting a vote that could potentially ruin another woman's health. It terrifies me that people continue to believe this is strictly about abortion. It most definitely is not.

  32. This is a VERY well written summary. I have been confused on many points. I am pro-life. I do not believe women should be able to go out and have an abortion just because "now just isnt the best time to have a child". Let me now say I believe that if a mother is facing death, there should be a clarified amendment taking this into consideration. I have had an ectopic pregnancy. It was painful both mentally and physically. It was to the point I did not have time to make it an hour away to a "big" hospital to have surgery. I would have died if the tube was not removed immediately. So...are some of you saying it would have been a better choice to die and leave my 5 yr old without a mother? I think not.

  33. Thanks for this information!!

  34. By the way,...My name is Nancy...I only published this under anonymous because this page wont, for some reason, accept my ID.

  35. You are correct! No, it doesn't say to ban abortion! However, it defines personhood. If Mississipians vote YES to personhood of a fetus, then it makes it murder to abort. Because it is a person!!! So by voting yes, it is the first step that will lead to banned abortion. If I go NO further, this was enough for me to understand the need to vote yes.

    Second, about IVF. IVF eggs should be limited. What if all 7 or 8 eggs fertilize? This would threaten the Mom's health way more than if only 2-3 were fertilized. Think about having triplets versus septuplets!! Certainly, more eggs = increased chance of getting pregnant. However, it is unsafe, unless you are a mom willing to abort the unwanted fertilized eggs that are babies at conception. For this is what is happening. Unwanted IVF eggs are simply aborted! So, I agree this limiting the # of IVF eggs if it occurs. This protects the Mom! I understand fewer eggs lowers your chances of getting a fertilized egg, but if God's plan is for you to have children, He will make it happen. Our job is not to play God but to allow God's work in our lives.

    Third, about ectopic pregnancy. As you stated, "The initiative does not cover ectopic pregnancy" So...Therefore you are NOT voting on this!!! Do you really think they are going to let a woman die by not getting the baby out of her fallopian tubes?! This is absurd. Save the babies, kill the Mom's! Yeah right. Personhood is already established for Moms. They will be saved. This is about establishing personhood for the unborn. To save them if at all possible!

    Fourth, Birth Control. I have heard that some IUD's work by preventing implantation of the fertilized egg, thus the baby dies. That is why I chose NOT to ever use IUDs. However, you state "All forms of hormonal birth control can potentially prevent implantation." This is right, but is misleading!! Preventing implantation is NOT the intended action of birth control pills. Birth control pills prevent ovulation!!! If you don't drop eggs, the sperm has nothing to unite with....NO BABY IS CONCEIVED. Because of the hormones in birth control pills that prevent ovulation in a woman, the uterus lining remains thin, because she is not dropping eggs. The body doesn't think she needs a thick lining because NO EGGS are being dropped. Thus if there was a baby, the baby could not implant on the thin uterine lining. BUT again....NO EGGS = no babies! You state in this blog, " So if taking the pill prevents implantation, under this initiative, it will be come illegal" -- I don't believe this to be true since there are NO EGGS needing to be implanted!

    See next post.....

  36. Fifth, Rape & incest. I experienced an attempted rape at the age of 11. I was able to escape. But believe me, physical damage as well as emotional damage was done. Therefore I sympathize with those that have these experiences. Certainly it does sound terrible for a fourth grader to undergo a pregnancy under such circumstances. Doesn't seem fair does it? Neither was it fair for Christ to die on the cross for our sins either. Life is not always fair and when we don't understand the workings of the Lord, we must trust HIS PLAN. Charles Spurgeon writes, "When you can't trace His hand, you can always trust His heart." This has been my favorite quote. I have had a lot of bad happen to me in life, but the more I grow in Christ the more I see His plan for me. And if you truly believe that we serve a God who never commits accidents, you must see that NO BABY IS AN ACCIDENT. I understand it would be so hard for a child to have a baby from incest or rape. It doesn't seem right for the pregnant child or woman from such circumstances to be punished with having a baby!! So, punish the unborn? Really? Does this make it right in God's eyes? No ma'am.

    I don't mean to offend you in any way. I really just want to help. I am passionate about living for God and following HIS commandments. Thou Shalt Not Murder. Abortion is murder and if saying YES can help eventually save millions of lives, I want to do this. Thanks for taking the time to read.

  37. I love what you have posted, many people are even scared to discuss the matter being afraid that they would be concidered a murderer. My stand have been NO and still is NO!!!!!

  38. You seem to be very quick to point out that the measure definitely won't end abortion, but definitely will cause all these issues to arise. I can't see how that even remotely passes for logic.

    Here are the facts. The text is simple and straightforward. Most of the points you raise pertain to issues that are addressed elsewhere in the Mississippi code, and because this amendment leaves them untouched, they are still enforceable. This means that NO legal procedure to resolve ectopic pregnancies, NO legal procedure to save the life of the mother, and NO currently legal birth control means will be in danger. Period.

    What will be endangered is the destruction of human embryos, in the course of abortive birth control (RU-486, which isn't the same as "Plan B"), abortion-on-demand, and the practice of destroying fertilized eggs that aren't implanted in the practice of IVF.

    Jennifer, as much as you claim to be striving for the facts and trying to get out solid information, you're doing nothing more than reciting the talking points used by those who put the rights of the unborn baby last on their list of priorities. I sincerely hope that you'll reconsider in light of the actual facts, and not let yourself (and those who value your opinion) to be misled by the monies being poured into the anti-prop26 campaign.

  39. In response to "ajosheridian", thank you for your post and your passion for how you feel and what you believe to be true. Just what you stated about what you belive and just like I stated what I believe that is exactly how this will be handeled by our state govt. if passed. One may feel one way and another may feel a different way. Thats the problem with this amendment. It is not concrete. It does not cover gray areas. It does not say when a doctor or mother will be safe from criminal charges. That will be left up to our state govt. to decide. Our state govt. can even decide on how to spend our money or manange it will but we are asked to trust that they will know how to manage a womans health well. NOT ME! I don't trust that "good judgement" will be used in every case and I know that bad things COULD happen if this passes. I to am saved by the same God you serve. He died for your sins, my sins, and even women who have had or choose to have an abortion.. their sins as well. I think it is silly to say that stuff you did about IVF. Women who cant have children and try through IVF have to tell themselfs "God does not want me to have children"... no I dont think so. However I believe God gave us a brain to use and doctors to help! You did not offend me in any way and I respect you view as well. If this amendment was cut and dry it would be different and my vote would be different but that fact that it in itself does not stop abortion but COULD leave room for all these other problems makes me use my brain and know that this is not the propper way to do it. If this amendment passes and go to legislature, in my opinion it will be turned down because it is wrtten so poorly and leaves so much room for error and that in turn would just set back the pro life movement.

  40. As an atheist and a woman who is staunchly pro-choice, I understand what it's like to be misunderstood, called names, accused of all sorts of things that aren't true. It's second-nature to be treated and regarded this way, for me, so I can tell you this: I'm so proud of all of everyone voting no, especially those who were on the precipice of voting yes.

    It's *hard* to have to take apart what we believe and look at another point of view. If you're pro-life in this issue, especially, I know it's hard to have to look deeply at your convictions when something like Initiative 26 comes along. I know many people have family members, church friends, colleagues, all sorts who might be voting yes because they believe it upholds their point of view. It's easy to overlook the consequences when you feel the ends justify the means, and a lot of people feel that way. So anyone who has gone against the grain because they've read the amendment text, and understand exactly what it does and does not say, and how the ambiguity could mean serious consequences for our women and future women, you are wonderful. I've long been like a fish out of water in Mississippi, but I've been more and more surprised by how many people have been willing to listen and understand, even when they thought at first that 26 was a prayer answered.

    Don't get discouraged when people say those things to you -- if they call you names, if they put you down, if they associate you with what they consider the worst of the worst, it means they're running out of actual salient arguments. Name calling and guilt by association are logical fallacies used by people who don't actually have any REAL answers to hard questions. They're operating off pure emotion and imagination, not facts.

    Everyone who is voting against 26, thank you. Thank you for taking a closer look and voting in the best interests of all Mississippi families.

  41. To "Jamie". Thank you for your post and for your opinion of what you THINK I am doing. No one has said THESE THINGS WILL HAPPEN but under this amendment they COULD happen. I will not vote for anything that will open a door for that. Since when do all these people trust our state govt. to make good choices but we are asked to trust that when or if these problems come into play that they will make the right choice then. NO. Why do we think it's anyone's place to decide that beside the woman herself and the doctor that she trust! You also said "Jennifer, as much as you claim to be striving for the facts and trying to get out solid information, you're doing nothing more than reciting the talking points used by those who put the rights of the unborn baby last on their list of priorities". WHAT A LOAD OF CRAP! Just because myself and others are not voting yes does not mean that the rights of unborn baby's are last on our list of priorities. What about the women who are already living, what about the women who are raped, what about the women who are desperate for children and only IVF can help.. what about their rights. I cant see the need to vote for something that is not gonna ban abortion but is going to put all of these other "rights" at stake. WAKE UP PEOPLE!

  42. Jennifer, Thank you for sharing such a well written observation of why voting no on 26 is so important. Your words will help those that are undecided on the issue understand the concerns we have for passing such an ambiguous amendment.

    I also wanted to address the person that stated “All of the specifics will be ironed out after the law is passed, if it passes.” It is scary to me that we would depend on the government to “iron out” anything. Although some government officials make decisions that are best for the citizens they represent, there are those that make decisions behind closed doors to further their career and pocketbooks. I don’t want decisions about my body “ironed out”. Why would anyone vote “yes” to an amendment they felt was not entirely clear and properly addressed all concerns?

  43. To "Alex" and to "Jillian" very well said and exactly what I'm feeling but could not put into words! Thanks for the support!

  44. Beautifully said, ma'am. I've shared your post.

    A note though: You skipped a VERY important "NOT" in the final sentence of this post. I bet you would like to edit that.

  45. In reply...

    It is obvious in Scripture that God opens and closes the womb of a woman. Gen 20:18 is an example of many! No matter if 50 IVF eggs are implanted, GOD is in control. To say, "God does not want me to have children." This can be a true statement. God is the creator and sustainer of Life. WE ARE NOT. As for as how the government will handle this. Umm....its defining personhood. Its saying the unborn are people too!! Simply this is it!! What may come with IVF, birth control, etc, etc. Who knows! This initiative is NOT necessarily defining the so called "gray issues" you speak of. There would have to be further legislative action. But this is making a stand for the unborn. Certainly this initiative could have addressed all of these gray issues. Imagine how difficult it would get that to pass! One step at a time. Saying yes is a step in a positive direction. Saying No means you don't agree in the personhood of the unborn....if anything this promotes abortion. If I were to error, I would error on the side of caution in protecting the unborn, versus discrediting their existence to "mere tissue."

  46. Another response to "ajosheridan".

    you said ... "Saying No means you don't agree in the personhood of the unborn....if anything this promotes abortion." I do nto promote abortion and no where in this blog did I say I promote abortion. It's people like you who decide that for me and decide I'm promoting abortion just because I don't view things the way you do. You must be careful how you approach things and what you say. I NEVER said I promote abortion. This blog is how I feel and what I believe to be true it's not to promote abortion. It's to promote using your brain and doing research before making a vote. I totoally understand why you are voting yes and thats your right. You seem to have a problem with why I'm voting no but those reasons still stand true even if anyone else does not agree with them. In my heart I do not think this is a step towards ending abortion for reasons that I have already stated. The legislature will not pass something that is written so poorly and then the pro life movemnt will be back at square one but only after causing all these other problems. Just because something would take a long time to write well does not mean it shouldnt be written well. I was taught that you do it right the first time to prevent having to do it again.

  47. Thank you so much. I am sharing this on Facebook in hopes of reaching at least one person who does not know what this amendment is about.

  48. My LAST reply...

    You said..." I do not promote abortion and no where in this blog did I say I promote abortion." -- I DID NOT SAY YOU DID.

    You said..."You must be careful how you approach things and what you say. I NEVER said I promote abortion. -- Again, dear, I did not say you did.

    I'm trying to state facts as yourself. The facts are that if you vote NO to initiative 26 you are saying NO to the unborn being a person. If the unborn are not people, then it indirectly promotes abortion by making it "okay" to commit murder! I do not think your intentions are to promote abortion. I never have said such against you. However, indirectly abortion is justified by a NO vote on initiative 26. Because the controversy about abortion has always been about when life begins. When does the fetus become a person? When do you think a fetus becomes a person? I believe in personhood @ conception.

    If the fetus is believed to be a person (a YES to 26), abortion becomes wrong!! If a fetus is determined to not by a person ( a NO-vote to 26), abortion by all means should be right.

    So, a No-vote = justifying the morality of abortion. A No-vote maintains the unborn as being mere tissue. This is what initiative 26 is about. I have nothing more to say.

  49. ajosheridan...

    "So, a No-vote = justifying the morality of abortion. A No-vote maintains the unborn as being mere tissue. This is what initiative 26 is about. I have nothing more to say."

    My vote no does not justify the morality of abortion. It simply means I wont be blinded to potentional problems by such a poorly written amendment just because at this point this is the only step towards ending abortion. Many people think this is the ONE AND ONLY WAY TO END ABORTION.. if that was so I would vote yes but that isn't. So with that said O do not justify the morality of abortion I just cant vote for something that DOES NOT end abortion but DOES leave room for potential problems. Again be careful what you say. Just because someone is voting no does not mean they are "justifying the morality of abortion" because even a vote yes does not end abortion.

  50. ajosheridan...

    You have really shed some light. thanks for commenting. I considered saying No because there was so much uncertainty and confusion. But I realize so much is hearsay or what if or what may happen. One thing for certain is that it defines who a baby is... a person! Instead of making a decision based upon potential outcomes that are not even proven, I believe that by saying YES I am making a stand for the unborn, even if it doesn't rule out abortion. It is letting my state know that I believe unborn babies to be people. Thanks for making me see that if I said NO, it definitely doesn't help the unborn!

  51. I also believe the unborn are a "person". This amendment does not end abortion. If it did end abortion with out compromising other things I to would vote yes. I would vote against abortion in that way.. just not this one because one it is not going to end abortions and two it can cause many other problems. Show me an amendment that is written with some clarity and some intelligence to not only protect the unborn but also the women who carry the unborn or are trying to carry the unborn and it will have my vote.

  52. ajosheridan, you may believe that there is a God and follow his commandments, but there are plenty of people living in this state that do not share the same views as you. Our country was founded by men (and women) that wanted to be able to practice their beliefs freely. Why should anyone in the United States be FORCED to adhere to other's beliefs? That is going against what this country was founded on. Just because you believe that a fertilized egg is a person does not make it true. Others believe that is just that--a fertilized egg. It has the ability to turn into a person if it attaches & remains attached to the uterine lining for enough time to live outside the womb (with or without the aid of modern medicine). I personally do not think that the government should be able to tell me what I can or can not do with my body.

  53. It has the ability to turn into a person if it attaches & remains attached to the uterine lining for enough time to live outside the womb (with or without the aid of modern medicine).

    I to believe this to be true also. Before it is attached and growing in the womb I do not consider it a person. I believe it is a living fertilized egg before it is in the womb but not a person until it is in the womb.

  54. I agree Jennifer!

    his initiative is downright scary. It's ambigious, and its vague for a purpose. I don't believe in passing something or helping pass something that the legislature says we will work the things out later. Has the legislature done a good job at working anything out? I believe in life. I love my children, and they are by far the best thing that has ever happened to me in my life. But, if one of my girls was 12 and got raped, (I would be in a nuthouse first), but I would hope that there was a plan b pill on the market to prevent pregnancy at that young age. No child should have to live through that. It doesn't mean a hill of beans how its voted, bc it wouldn't affect me directly. BUT as a parent of two little girls that has to grow up under the amendments we pass that may need in vitro to one day have a child of their own, it is up to us and how we vote. Furthermore, IUD's, Plan B, and invitro should be affected. It isn't until the 4th week that the zygote attaches to the uterine wall. So if they wanted this thing passed, they should have made more specifications about what it would do. Also...not everyone believes the same thing, does not have the same religion and for a country founded on religious freedom. We should ALL take great offense to this. You think this contributes to murder of babies? What about all of those Iraqis, Osama bin Laden, and terrorists our country has went in and killed? They are people. ??

  55. Personally before a person goes and starts attacking what another person believes, they should READ what is written. Jumping up and down and quoting the bible b/c you are angry that someone is voting no, is not going to get people to see things your way, ajosheridan. The first way to turn people off your views is to attack them...and those lovely spills you just did are very confrontational. Thank you, Jennifer. Pointing out those lovely grey areas is a very fabulous thing you did, I will be reposting this to FB. Also, with all those grey areas, what happens with the women who do not know they are pregnant and drink alcohol, or go bicycling, or take a really hot bath...and miscarry....what about if the woman is dancing and falls down, and miscarries, and out of spite the husband says she did it on purpose....once this law is passed, and these little babies are people at conception, what will spur off of that? You can get crazy theoretical with it all. Welcome to the USA, where you can sue for your coffee being too hot and win. We have NO CLUE how bad this can get...its too ambiguous. I am pro life. I am voting no.

  56. This debate has me seriously concerned. My biggest question for both sides is "why as people do we believe it is ok to make such a broad decision on what others may or may not do?" I simply do not believe I have the right to make a decision for your life!

  57. This was a great read. It's been hard to find anything from a prolife percpective. I was going to vote yes, until I saw a spokeperson directly state that IUDs would be banned. I don't think alot of people really understand that IUDs are pretty comparative to BC pills. IUDs (two kinds- hormonal, copper). Copper: Copper kills sperm. It first works to kill sperm in the birth canal, cervix, and womb. It makes the uterus a hostile environment. Backup: the device inside of your uterus makes the body think it's already pregnant, so if sperm DOES get past the initial protection, THEN a fertiized egg would not implant. The Hormonal one works much the same, but it has hormones like Birth Control pills. Birth Control pills- you absolutely do ovulate- now there are many kinds, so maybe there ARE some where you don't. The egg is hardened to make it where sperm can't penetrate. Backup method of it? IF SPERM DOES GET INTO EGG, UTERINE LINING IS THINNED, THEREFORE MAKING IT HOSTILE TO IMPLANTATION. I'm trying to explain this in very simple terms, and I really hope it makes sense. There's a reason I can walk into a County Health Department and pay for my IUD on a sliding scale. Because it is not abortion, it can be done there. I've had 2 IUDs. One Mirena, one Copper. Both were the absolute best form of BC I've ever used. I really wish people could understand more, that if you consider that abortion, you might wanna chunk those pills you count on. I have 2 kids, I'm pregnant with my 3rd. I'm prolife, even to the point where I personally believe even in rape, a life is a life. That being said, if this at LEAST allowed for morning after in rape and incest cases, I think it would have more support. I take issue with the life at fertilization, NOT life at conception (implantation of the egg). When you word it life at fertilization, I really don't think everyone realizes that could easily removes JUST ABOUT every birth control method outside of tubes tied. I respect everyone here and I think it is GREAT we're discussing it respectfully, so everybody keep it up. I pray for the day when an Amendment comes up that focuses on ABORTION. And IUD or birth control, is hardly the same as placing a lady's feet in stirrups and sucking the life out of her womb, then counting the pieces. This should have been exactly what was covered, not trying to tell people what to do if raped,(and please...don't say you know if you don't, what it is to have a man climb on top of you and force himself into your body- don't tell me how you'd handle it.), not telling a childless family how to handle IVF, not telling the mother with more than she can handle, how to avoid being in a situation she can't handle. This is a very poor state to be saying it can handle all the children who would be here without these birth control- CONTROL- methods. Thanks for reading this ramble.

  58. First and foremost, Jennifer I hope I did not offend you. Please know, this were never my intention. I never believed you to be pro-abortion. I have close friends who are also voting no to 26 and claim also to be pro-life. After one of your replies, I simply needed to clarify that I never said certain things about you and was not accusing you of anything. We did differ on IVF, and since you claimed to serve the same God I did, I mentioned a Bible verse from our scriptures. This Bible verse was merely meant to affirm what we believe from the scriptures, that God opens or closes the womb. Man may make great attempts, but ultimately God creates & sustains life (in my opinion). Sadly, Crissy apparently believed I was attacking you out of anger to help you see my view. This is absolutely not true. I am sorry if this is how it was perceived. You can trust any anger is not with you but would have to be with the devil. He is the author of confusion. That is, if anyone out there believes in his existence. I apparently have been accused as well on here for believing that everyone believes in God and follows His commandments according to one anonymous blogger. I wouldn't want anonymous or anyone else to accuse that I believe that all people believe in the devil either. Therefore in the event, I have offended anyone the slightest, I offer my humble apologies. Since I am so inadequate in my expressions, I would encourage anyone, who so desires, to read
    This link really outlines a lot of what is discussed here. I am interested in the facts and this gives the facts regardless where you stand (in my opinion always).

  59. jennifer and fellow bloggers, first, thank you so much for doing all of this research and posting for all to be able to read. Second, i am extremely pro life and in the middle of IVF treatment in the hope of helping to create another blessing from God for our family. I agree with all of your comments about the potential consequenses of 26, and agree that if the pro 26 people wanted to ban abortion they should have been sure to write an ammendment that was clear that left no grey areas. Leaving the government in charge of "ironing" unclear aspects out after the fact is a terrible idea. Jennifer, please consider submitting this article to MS newspapers for more people of our state to be able to read. I am pro life, I am a mother, I am voting NO Liz Smith

  60. Thanks for your post, Jennifer. I have shared on Facebook. I want to help inform women as much as possible before Tuesday. :)

  61. Wow. Lots of mistaken facts here, but one that stands out the most for me is the one who said if rape victim babies are born that the numbers of children in foster care will increase! People in the U.S. are traveling out of the country to adopt infants because there aren't enough here to adopt! The children in foster homes are not infants.

    Another is the blanket statement that birth control pills prevent the fetus from attaching to the uterus. Most birth control pills don't work in this fashion. The "morning after" pill does, and a few others. Most work by one of two (or both) methods - preventing ovulation (no eggs = no fertilization) and thickening the cervical mucus, which blocks sperm (no sperm = no fertilization). You can check with your doctor to make sure which ones use which methods.

    In or out of the womb, it's a baby. The moment sperm penetrates egg, it's a living human being. To kill it is murder. I know how harsh it seems to ask a woman to carry and birth the child of her rapist, but who said life is fair? God never said it, and anyone who has ever had to suffer through something in this life knows it.

    This amendment is not designed to ban abortion. No one ever said it did. It defines personhood. This is a BEGINNING to the ban of abortion. To firmly establish that life begins at fertilization goes far against the argument FOR abortion that says it's not a person until it's born, or until it reaches a certain developmental stage. We go through stages from conception to death. We are zygotes, embryos, fetuses, infants, todlers, children, tweens, teens, young adults, middle aged, old. In which of these stages of LIFE do you (general "you") believe it's okay to kill?

    God told Jeremiah, "Before I formed you in the womb I knew you; and before you came forth out of the womb I sanctified you." That's proof enough for me.

  62. Thank you so much for this! This is exactly how i feel, but didnt know how to put it in words. I think the "idea" of initiative 26 is better than the actual process right now. There are way to many gray areas and im not comfortable letting our government work out the kinks. If we allowed them to always work out the kinks then we wouldnt ever need to vote. I also believe that a person is a person at implantation and not fertilization. I just hope that people start respecting those of us who chose to vote No as i respect those you vote yes. My whole problem is the wording which our very own governor has expressed concerns about. Im just hoping and praying this is declined just like the previous two states did.

  63. Thank you for your heartfelt post. I will also be voting no. I do believe this is poorly written and does not take into account all of the "what if's". I do not like being told that I am for murdering innocent babies because I am not. This is just not the answer to the true solution. I have said it many times, as a christian, we are lazy. We are now expecting our Government to do what we are to lazy to do. If we want to end abortion, then we need to educate, and we need to spread the truth about Jesus Christ. Then we need to have Faith that God will take care of the rest. Where is Faith when we must force something onto someone? Have we done our jobs when the masses do not know the love of Jesus Christ? Do we not trust that once we lead those to Jesus, that he will not do the rest? Just my thoughts...

  64. All other issues aside - why in the world would any law abiding citizen vote YES to any initiative that would allow the government to 'iron out' the details later?? Really?! We, as a nation, have greatly strayed from what our founding fathers intended for government. We have given the government too much power. The legislators now have the power to write a thoroughly misleading proposal because they believe we are too stupid to know the difference. Then, once it is passed, they have the power to write it in virtually any manner to suit their agenda and platforms. I mean, we can't buy a CAR without 40 pages of disclaimers and provisions....but they want us to vote YES to something that leads to more questions than answers?? Ok. Sure. People, don't be as stupid as your government hopes/thinks you already are.....

  65. To the anonymous writer who pointed out all the "mistakes" in Jennifer's post: Progesterone-based birth control pills work EXACTLY as she described. They prevent implantation of the fertilized egg. The is THE MOST COMMON form of birth control because it is THE MOST EFFECTIVE. There are other options like the ones you mentioned, but they don't work nearly as well and are usually only written for younger women who are not using them for birth control, but for hormonal fluctations. Please check your facts before you attack someone who has obviously spent a great deal of time reading about this subject. And believe me, I spent four years in pharmacy school at UMC "checking" these facts before I posted them.
    Jennifer, you really did a nice job. The only thing worth mentioning that you didn't is that there isn't an abortion clinic in our state. There was one here in Jackson, but it closed about 2 years ago. OBGYN's don't usually write abortion meds (except for in the instance of ectopic pregnancies), so I don't see why people are so stirred up over this. People who are voting yes are literally voting to take away abortion for mothers whose lives are in danger and taking away Plan B, a pill that works exactly like the BC pills most of them take or have taken to prevent their own pregnancy. It's really just a sad situation. I'm glad you are attempting to do your part to educate some of the morons in this state.

  66. I like many others had heard about all these concerns with IVF, Birth Control, Rape victims, etc. I was uncertain as to what was truth or not. I am Pro-life and wanted to make a pro-life decision, but with all these grey areas, what was I to do? Can these grey areas be explained? Was I better off voting No? It seemed too scary or uncertain to vote yes. This link provided here helped me make the decision. It is a lengthy video, but this is a serious discussion and concern about the life of the unborn and all the other issues that are arising. Please everyone take the time to watch this in its entirety. This is really a must see even if you have already made a decision. Everything discussed here on this blog is addressed. Copy and paste the below link to you tube.

  67. Ms. Harbaugh, since you posted the number of abortions that occur in our state each year, I would be interested in knowing the statistics regarding the circumstances of those abortions. I would also like a reference so that I can investigate this number on my own. (As a professional, you should know better than to present data without a reference.) Tubal pregnancies are very common. It's very irresponsible of you to present data without describing its origin. If some of these aren't in fact tubal pregnancies, where are the women going to have these abortions done since our state doesn't have an abortion clinic? It would be nice if you didn't taint the facts with your own beliefs. It ruins your credibility and really just makes people like me who are "on the fence" edge closer to the other side.

  68. I'd also like to know how many people have had abortions that no one knows anything about AND they dont regret it? People always want to throw out the ones who do regret it. What about the ones who feel it was the right choice? What about the ones who feel God sent them there? I promise you that when i talk to God he isnt always saying the same thing to me he is to you.

  69. I don't think it should be up to the government to choose for us. We live in a country that has been built upon separation of church and state for a very good reason if we remember what history has taught us. I respect everyone's opinion and am thankful that I live in a country where I am free to do so. I am glad this blog has been shared by so many. When they write an amendment to the US constitution that is free from so many things that can be left up to interpretation by individual citizens and the government I will support it then but not now. I don't want someone else to be able to make that decision for me if our daughter were to get raped and become pregnant at the age of 10. I'm pro life I'm a mother and I'm voting no I can only assume that the yeson26 people must have no young daughters or sisters that could be in that awful situation one day. Would they really just look at her and tell her her violent impregnation was God's will and force her to take it to term? Why not just let all the rapist out of jail then? Since keeping them there prevents them from impregnating other people against their will, isn't that denying all those theoretical "persons" life? This amendment takes it too far. I stand with the victims of rape and incest so that their voices can be heard, and my faith in the Lord tells me he would stand with them too.

  70. My name is Rene' Barfoot...I too have done research on this before I made my decision to vote. I have read so much I feel as though I am back in school (LOL) and continue to read because I need answers. I have come across a few articles that have shed some light on a lot of the uncertainties "gray areas" we have all wondered about. Just thought I would share this link it really helped me in my decision.

  71. This is Rene' again...It will not let me post using my name. BTW: The article I posted is from an attorney here in MS.

  72. Response to Kayla Patterson:

    So you're suggesting to keep the number of children in foster homes down and improve the economy we should just keep murdering innocent children? Just kill them off so we don't have to deal with them? You're right that as Christians we are called to step it up and provide for the poor and orphans, so if the result of this bill is an increase in this, that just means we are going to have to STEP IT UP in our duties and provide for them. Our laziness DOES NOT excuse killing an innocent child. We cannot kill a child because we think he or she will be a drain on our time and money.

  73. Congrats Jennifer! You are a REAL BLOGGER now......complete with your won set of TROLLS.

  74. Love the blog Jennifer! you did a GREAT job in showing people all the gray areas and why, as not only women, but parents, we should be careful with this bill. This bill is NOT about religion, it is NOT about abortion, it is about the simple statement that life starts at conception. It has too many gray areas that will be defined in court, costing MS money we DO NOT HAVE and our government more control than is necessary. I am prolife but I will not vote for a bill that is not written correctly. I am voting NO and I can only hope that enough Mississippians vote no as well.

  75. Carol Harbaugh, Laurel CPC DirectorNovember 6, 2011 at 12:41 PM

    I have now posted two times with real answers to the questions that "anonymous" raised yesterday, but they seem to have been deleted. So, I share with you, Jennifer, and anyone else claiming to be a true believer, to please watch this video clip which gives answers to many misconceptions. I believe the enemy is at work to thwart this opportunity to save lives. I urge you to search for truth. Our God is a God of truth and His Word does not change because of circumstances. Please watch this video clip and seek to know God's will.

  76. Ms. Harbaugh, I didn't ask for another video clip. I asked for a reference to the data you sited in your argument. Does it even exist? And I chose not to reveal my name because of the fear of being judged by people like you. I don't think Jennifer has deleted anything here. If she was doing that, there wouldn't be any posts arguing against her.

  77. It is obvious that you have absolutely no idea how a constitution works. We make our laws based on the constitution. Go read the rest of the constitution and you will find that it is all very broad stroke so that it can transcend time. This is exactly how the Bible (which you claim to believe) operates. It is a document that transcends time and is the foundation of our belief. The bible does not tell us what to do in every single individual situation. It gives us a base of belief upon which we can determine exact doctrine on specific subjects. A great example would be abortion itself. The bible is silent on this because it was not something that was done back then. However, we are given guiding principles from which we can determine that abortion is wrong. Ex. You shall not murder. I don't remember anyone arguing with God because this was too broad a statement. Yes laws will need to be made in the future that build upon this constitutional precept. No Amendment 26 does not implicitly ban abortion. It does state what we as Christians believe though. A person is a person before birth. I am sorry if that fact is a burden on anyone. I want you to know that despite reading your article, I still am willing to say, that a vote against amendment 26 is a vote FOR the murdering of babies. Please think twice about voting no. You will have blood upon your hands madam. Please Repent!

    visit this link to learn more:

  78. I love how so many of you decide if I'm a Christian by my view on this crap amendment. Never said I believe in abortion just gave my view and why I will be voting no. You're all to busy pointing out how this does not make me a "true" believer instead if examining your own lives. Focus on your own struggles and sins instead of judging my salvation. I wonder how God would feel about you questioning my salvation for only he knows my heart and why I'm voting no. With that said feel free to leave comments but judging my character and my salvation is not up for your debate!

  79. Actually Jennifer, the Bible does tell us to judge your character and your salvation. I see that you too have been told the lie that the 11th commandant is "thou shall not judge." Jesus said "do not throw your pearls before swine", so we know Christ tells us to Judge, otherwise how would we know whether they are swine or not. And there are many many many other examples ma'am. It is true though that I cannot convict you (convince you) of your depraved state, only the Holy Spirit can do that. I will pray that he does. In the meantime, I suggest that you go to 2 Corinthians 13:5 and "Examine yourself to see if you are in the faith." Then after reading that, go to the 1 John, and read the entire book. The entire book of 1 John helps us realize whether or not we are saved. I would also HIGHLY recommend that you watch this video:

  80. Benjamin I have never seen someone so self righteous. The way you have treated me just from this blog is the main reason people don't want to come to church or be involved with Christians. Again my view on this does not give you the right to decide or question my salvation. Besides my view on this amendment you know NOTHING about me! The only difference between you and I is that I'm voting no. That does not mean I am not a christian and nor does that give you the right to act in such a manner. I know Jesus wouldn't treat me this way and he knows my heart and why I am voting the way that I am. You can continue to condemn if you like and make Christians look judgmental and arrogant. I'm afraid that has done far more damange for the kingdom than my view on this blog.

  81. It's people like Benjamin that keeps our family from going to church period. Obviously you are always going to have the extremeists that see nothing but their side so please, Jennifer, don't allow people like him to bother you. You have written a very good blog that shows you have faith in God, just not the stupidity of the people who govern our state. If others cannot be at least polite and nonjudgmental... let them stay in their glass house and keep throwing stones. Only their God can show them how they acted towards others, not us. They aren't worth it. And for the record, my name is Christi McMillen. I posted earlier but for some reason, Google isn't letting me sign in this time. So, no, I am not hiding under anonymous...

  82. I don't live in Mississippi and never have, but I have friends who do, which is how I found your blog entry. I just wanted to say that I was very impressed by how you've explained your position. It's objective, not inflammatory and really well-written.

  83. I so agree with you..until I read this I had no idea what this was all about now that you post had all the infomation I needed and more...I hope the people that are voting yes really know what they are voting for because I feel that all the yes voters are just looking at abortion and cloning but you really have to think about all of the women who are raped if this law is passed those women will not have a choice on what to do... and what about the people on birth control?? to prevent from having a baby you take that away THEN WHAT! I also feel that MEN shouldn't have a say so in this vote I really feel that just us WOMEN should vote because if you think about it MEN really dont have anything to do with it..!

  84. Please listen to this:

  85. First of all Jennifer thank you for posting your views on this. You are absolutely right in saying this initiative leaves too many "grey areas" that will be filled in once passed. I for one don't trust the government to decide what's best for me concerning MY BODY. The only reason women are being targeted is because we play the role of "host" to these "fertilized eggs" Without the cozy comfort of a womb they will NEVER grow to be anything remotely resembling a human.

    Women who are protecting themselves against an unwanted pregnancy are the ones who will feel the greatest impact of this "initiative" by banning the most effective forms of birth control. All because it will prevent a "fertilized egg" from attaching itself to a "host".

    If we sit back and allow the government or the majority vote (which will include MEN) take control of a Woman's eggs, then it should also be allowed to take control of a Man's sperm! Because the last time I checked an egg can't fertilize itself. Since birth control for women won't be allowed for fear of harming a potentially "fertilized egg" then I suggest birth control for ALL sexually active men that will kill all sperm before leaving his body.
    No live sperm= no fertilized egg.

    I can't help but think of the abundance of unwanted babies that will be abused, neglected and thrown to the mercy of the world all because the mother was refused effective birth control. Because you may succeed in FORCING her to carry child but you can't FORCE her to love and nurture it.

  86. My post was deleted because it proves you are wrong. That is nice. And I'm supposed to respect your opinion when you block the truth. Typical of your kind.

  87. I will not re-type all of this again. I will just point out some key facts.

    Our law is based off of INTENT, standard oral birth control as well as IUD's are INTENDED to prevent the fertilization of an egg. Plan B aka the morning after pill is INTENDED to dispose of an already fertilized egg. So, standard oral birth control and IUD's will not be affected.

    It will only limit the amount of eggs that can be disposed of, if fertilized with IVF, it will not stop IVF.

    Our law already states that Dr.'s can do whatever means is necessary to save the life of the mother if it is in danger by the pregnancy. Since Initiative 26 doesn't address our current Mississippi law, it will not affect it, nor COULD it affect it.

    Mississippi does have an abortion clinic:
    Jackson Women's Health Organization
    2903 North State Street, Jackson, Mississippi 39216
    Local Phone: 601-366-2261
    (M-F 8am-5pm, Sat 9a-12p CST)
    It is current and open for business.

    And lastly, it doesn't need to pass the state legislator, when we, the citizens of the state of Mississippi vote on it Tuesday, how ever it goes it will be done, if it passes it will be written into law, if fails it will go away. It cannot be voted on by the House or the Senate, and it cannot be vetoed by our Governor.

    It's just that simple. Really....

  88. Oh, one more thing, a simple way to see what COULD happen if this Initiative is passed, is easy. Just look to our neighbor to the South, the majority of the states in Mexico, have this exact same law. Take a look, IVF, IUD, and Birth Control were all unaffected by the law. Like I said, it's just that simple.

  89. There have been no comments deleted off this page. I have been sure to leave them all because I respect everyones reason for voting yes no matter what they have tried to argue with me or condemn me for voting no. I think people have the right to hear everyones side and why they are voting the way the way they are.

  90. Well, perhaps it was an internet "fluke". I wrote a very long, and detailed explanation stating facts and laws, not opinions or what ifs, or could be's, I clicked on post comment, the page flashed and up went my long, detailed comment. I went to my facebook tab, then came back to this one, clicked refresh to see if there were any replies, and it was gone.

  91. Jennifer makes it sound like she agrees with a woman who has been raped having an abortion. This is a sick twist of justice. If you have an abortion after being raped - You are MURDERING an innocent child because of the sins of his father. Since when has it been okay to punish a child for the sins of a parent?

    I do not promote rape, I feel that rapists should be executed immediately. However, the child in the womb - The life in the womb - is actually an innocent bystander. It would be wrong to execute a child for anything someone else has done.

    Anyone who claims to be pro-life, but thinks that it is okay to have an abortion after rape is not pro-life at all, they are wolves in sheep's clothing.

    Once again rape is tragic and wrong.

  92. Any site that has a "yes", "no", "for", or "against" is a biased site. So if they have an opinion stated in the title of the website then obviously they are going to try and say anything to make you agree with them. Try looking up the current laws in the state constitution. You will find laws already in place that protect most of the above. I26 will NOT be able to uproot all of these current laws already in our state constitution.

  93. It is obvious that Jennifer is not familiar with Mississippi's Constitution, even at a basic knowledge level. She has stated 3 or 4 things that contradict what is already written in our state constitution, IVF, Life Saving Practices for Mothers who are pregnant, Voting on Initiatives, etc....... Might I suggest actually reading the Mississippi State Constitution for your self, as I have, before you voice your opinion in complete contradiction to what is written law. Thanks.

  94. Here's a site for you, and it's free too...

    It's the Mississippi Code of 1972, our current laws, makes for nice reading during a debate about laws.

  95. Just to prove my point, your "blog" starts off..


    Um, Jennifer, there is no "Section 1, Article III" of the Mississippi Constitution.

    It would be "ARTICLE III, SECTION 33", just saying. Research on the truth goes a long way.

    As Amended

    SEC. 97-3-3. Abortion; causing abortion or miscarriage.

    (1) Any person wilfully and knowingly causing, by means of any instrument, medicine, drug or other means whatever, any woman pregnant with child to abort or miscarry, or attempts to procure or produce an abortion or miscarriage shall be guilty of a felony unless the same were done by a duly licensed, practicing physician:

    (a) where necessary for the preservation of the mother's life;

    (b) where pregnancy was caused by rape.

    Said person shall, upon conviction, be imprisoned in the State Penitentiary not less than one (1) year nor more than ten (10) years; provided, however, if the death of the mother results therefrom, the person procuring, causing or attempting to procure or cause the illegal abortion or miscarriage shall be guilty of murder.

    (2) No act prohibited in subsection (1) of this section shall be considered exempt under the provisions of subparagraph (a) thereof unless performed upon the prior advice in writing, of two (2) reputable licensed physicians.

    (3) The license of any physician or nurse shall be automatically revoked upon conviction under the provisions of this section.

    SOURCES: Codes, 1942, Sec. 2223; Laws, 1952, ch. 260, Secs. 1-3; 1966, ch. 358, Sec. 1, eff from and after passage (approved June 8, 1966).

    1997 Amendment:

    SECTION 3. Section 97-3-3, Mississippi Code of 1972, is amended as follows:

    97-3-3. (1) Any person wilfully and knowingly causing, by means of any instrument, medicine, drug or other means whatever, any woman pregnant with child to abort or miscarry, or attempts to procure or produce an abortion or miscarriage shall be guilty of a felony unless the same were done by a duly licensed, practicing physician:

    (a) Where necessary for the preservation of the mother's life;

    (b) Where pregnancy was caused by rape.

    Said person shall, upon conviction, be imprisoned in the State Penitentiary not less than one (1) year nor more than ten (10) years; provided, however, if the death of the mother results therefrom, the person procuring, causing or attempting to procure or cause the illegal abortion or miscarriage shall be guilty of murder.

    (2) No act prohibited in subsection (1) of this section shall be considered exempt under the provisions of subparagraph (a) thereof unless performed upon the prior advice in writing, of two (2) reputable licensed physicians.

    (3) The license of any physician or nurse shall be automatically revoked upon conviction under the provisions of this section.

    (4) Nothing in this section shall be construed as conflicting with Section 2 of this act.

  97. I hope you feel better about yourself after making such insults towards me and the research I have done. The way this blog entry is started was copied and pasted straight from which is a respected site. I know many of you feel the need to try and intimidate folks with your arrogance and intelligence. I did my research and I'm confident in what I have posted on this blog. This is my personal view and I have not forced on to any one. Feel free to leave coments about why your voting one way or the other but again any personal attacks on my character, salvation, or knowledge of the law is not up for debate. I did my research! This blog entry is about the reasons I AM voting no and I give sited information that backs up my research.

  98. Well said Jennifer! For the one who said this wouldn't have any effect on the laws already written, then what about a persons right to bodily integrity? Shouldn't it be a woman's choice if she wants loan out her body to a fetus?

  99. Or I like many others have researched thoroughly the entire debate that surrounds Initiative 26. It seems so confusing and frustrating that professing Christians and pro-life individuals are both torn on this decision. A lot of people and myself included became concerned over the ramifications of voting YES. What about birth control changes? In vitro fertilization? Rape/Incest? Will the mom be protected and saved if a tubal pregnancy occurs? These questions or “gray issues” is what some people say is why they are voting NO. They are concerned about the “what if….or…this may happen” if they vote YES. Because this initiative doesn’t speak to these grey issues.

    So I realized I could make a decision on the premise of “what if” or I could decide based upon “what is.” What is 100% sure is that by passing this amendment, babies will be given personhood. Personhood is the single most important concept in the controversy that surrounds abortion. When does life begin? When does the unborn become a person? Initiative 26 asks me: Do I believe the unborn is a person at the moment of fertilization (conception)? YES! So I realized if I were to say “NO,” I would be lying. Lying is wrong. And not only would it be a lie to say I did not believe that the unborn were people, it would also certainly NOT help prevent abortion either!

    Does God want me to lie because I’m worried about the “What-ifs”? Does God want me to lie by saying "NO on 26" because the initiative is not written exactly how I would want it to say. For it would have been wonderful for the amendment to cover all grey areas and actually say "stop abortion."

    Or does God want me to tell the truth I know from my heart and in His Word that unborn babies are truly people and deserve the title of personhood? The title of Personhood is so important in our abortion battle. Although the amendment doesn't say "stop abortion," personhood leads to protecting and maintaining the safety of the unborn. This amendment asks only one question: Do you believe the unborn to be people?

    see next comment

  100. ....continued

    We already have pre-established laws within our state to protect people. Laws established to protect mothers to ensure they will be protected in the event a tubal pregnancy occurs. This amendment does not do away with the laws protecting the mom. So its wrong to believe that if this law is passed it will mean the mom won't be protected during tubal pregnancies!

    Is it possible that birth control methods will change? Yes it is possible. And since I am a Christian and pro-life I desire to do away with any method that prevents uterine implantation or “killing” of babies. And most birth control pills do NOT do this anyhow. But don't take my word on it. Look up the action of birth control pills on Wikipedia or the I searched the medicines on those websites. So if it means changes to birth control methods to save the unborn, I would be excited.

    What about IVF? I can’t imagine if I were having problems conceiving a child. Certainly, I would want to try methods that would help me conceive. But if current methods involve the possibility of endangering the lives of the unborn, it would be wrong. If I were utilizing IVF, I wouldn’t want to abort any unwanted baby if I had conceived multiple children nor have my leftover eggs donated to science for misuse! Therefore, if passing this amendment should lead to reform in IVF so as to protect the unborn, then absolutely I am for it! Obviously since this amendment is about "personhood" any changes in IVF would be related to harming people, the unborn that is.

    As far as rape, I have been a victim myself. Understanding so closely the effect of a tragic event, I can sympathize with others. However, two wrongs do not make a right. There is no need nor is it morally or spiritually acceptable to attack another innocent victim (the unborn person) through abortion. Our justice system does not even give the death sentence to a rapist!! The babies don’t choose their fathers or the circumstances in how they were conceived. If you are pro-life, you must see that under no circumstance is it ever “okay” or “justifiable” to kill the unborn, a person made in the image of our Lord. So, I do urge you to vote YES tomorrow to establish personhood for our unborn. This is the only question you will answer. Answer it truthfully. Do you believe the unborn are people too?

  101. I do believe the unborn are people and deserve protection but I do not believe an egg is a person. I believe giving an "egg" the term person is to dangerous and leaves room for all the other problems that I listed in this blog. If this amendment was written differently I would be voting yes. I don't believe and egg can become a person until it's in the mothers womb which is also when I think it should be protected by law. That is my PERSONAL belief plain and simple.

  102. I really appreciate the way you presented your information and questions to me in a respectful manner.

  103. I love how Benajmin L has been condeming all the people voting no this entire blog, but he just said rapists should be executed immediately. So as he said, "Jennifer makes it sound like she agrees with a woman who has been raped having an abortion. This is a sick twist of justice. If you have an abortion after being raped - You are MURDERING an innocent child because of the sins of his father." Benjamn, quit being a hypocrite and quit throwing YOUR stones.

  104. Thank you, Sarah I'm glad I'm not the only one who views him that way. If murdering a child is wrong isn't murdering the rapists wrong as well? Benjamin your thoughts on that?

  105. If a woman is brutally raped and is then forced to carry the attackers child, will he then have paternity rights to it?

    As Amended

    SEC. 97-3-3. Abortion; causing abortion or miscarriage.

    (1) Any person wilfully and knowingly causing, by means of any instrument, medicine, drug or other means whatever, any woman pregnant with child to abort or miscarry, or attempts to procure or produce an abortion or miscarriage shall be guilty of a felony unless the same were done by a duly licensed, practicing physician:

    (a) where necessary for the preservation of the mother's life;

    (b) where pregnancy was caused by rape.

    Said person shall, upon conviction, be imprisoned in the State Penitentiary not less than one (1) year nor more than ten (10) years; provided, however, if the death of the mother results therefrom, the person procuring, causing or attempting to procure or cause the illegal abortion or miscarriage shall be guilty of murder.

    (2) No act prohibited in subsection (1) of this section shall be considered exempt under the provisions of subparagraph (a) thereof unless performed upon the prior advice in writing, of two (2) reputable licensed physicians.

    (3) The license of any physician or nurse shall be automatically revoked upon conviction under the provisions of this section.

    SOURCES: Codes, 1942, Sec. 2223; Laws, 1952, ch. 260, Secs. 1-3; 1966, ch. 358, Sec. 1, eff from and after passage (approved June 8, 1966).

    1997 Amendment:

    SECTION 3. Section 97-3-3, Mississippi Code of 1972, is amended as follows:

    97-3-3. (1) Any person wilfully and knowingly causing, by means of any instrument, medicine, drug or other means whatever, any woman pregnant with child to abort or miscarry, or attempts to procure or produce an abortion or miscarriage shall be guilty of a felony unless the same were done by a duly licensed, practicing physician:

    (a) Where necessary for the preservation of the mother's life;

    (b) Where pregnancy was caused by rape.

    Said person shall, upon conviction, be imprisoned in the State Penitentiary not less than one (1) year nor more than ten (10) years; provided, however, if the death of the mother results therefrom, the person procuring, causing or attempting to procure or cause the illegal abortion or miscarriage shall be guilty of murder.

    (2) No act prohibited in subsection (1) of this section shall be considered exempt under the provisions of subparagraph (a) thereof unless performed upon the prior advice in writing, of two (2) reputable licensed physicians.

    (3) The license of any physician or nurse shall be automatically revoked upon conviction under the provisions of this section.

    (4) Nothing in this section shall be construed as conflicting with Section 2 of this act.

  107. That is Mississippi's Abortion Law. It is not opinion, it is not bias, it is FACT !!! What does it say ? Abortions are illegal unless (a) The Life of the mother is at risk, or (b) The pregnancy is due to rape.

    Ok, so that destroys your "opinion" on life saving procedures to save the mother, and victims of rape, it destroys it with fact.

    It not being able to be passed by the legislator: (10) An initiative approved by the electors shall take effect thirty (30) days from the date of the official declaration of the vote by the Secretary of State, unless the measure provides otherwise.

    Again, your opinion is destroyed by the fact of the law.

    You Jennifer are an idiot. You have absolutely no idea what you are talking about. You spew this garbage on this blog, and are possibly affecting the way other people vote based off of your opinion and not the real hard facts, and anybody that bases a vote off of opinion and not what is fact is a moron and shouldn't be allowed to vote. I have repeatedly posted facts and laws that completely destroy your opinion and you refuse to even acknowledge them, all you can do is attack me because you cannot argue with the truth. You want to attack me, well the war is on.

  108. This whole blog is about "What ifs" and "Could Be's". Why are you so passionate about something that may happen, why are you not saying something, or passionate about the laws Mississippi already has ? I don't see you saying anything about these for example:

    SEC. 97-29-1. Adultery and fornication; unlawful cohabitation.

    If any man and woman shall unlawfully cohabit, whether in adultery or fornication, they shall be fined in any sum not more than five hundred dollars each, and imprisoned in the county jail not more than six months; and it shall not be necessary, to constitute the offense, that the parties shall dwell together publicly as husband and wife, but it may be proved by circumstances which show habitual sexual intercourse.

    That law makes it illegal for anyone to live together and have sex, unless they are married, but you don't see the police kicking in doors because of it do you ? Why are not speaking out about this law, I mean, it is basically telling a woman, and a man for that matter what they can and can't do with their own body.

    SEC. 97-29-57. Stallion or jack not to be kept in public view or permitted to run at large.

    A person shall not keep a stallion or jack nearer than one hundred yards to a church, or in public view in an inclosure bordering on a public highway, or nearer thereto, than one hundred yards; nor shall any person stand such animals in open view of any public place, or negligently keep such animal or suffer it to run at large. Any such offender, upon conviction, shall be fined not less than twenty-five dollars, and shall be liable for all damages done by such animals so kept or running at large.

    That one says you cannot keep your male horse out in the open, do you see police running around fining everybody that has a pasture with a male horse in it ?

    NO, why, because law enforcement, despite the law, despite your beliefs has what most of us have, which is common sense. I am so curious as to why you are not saying anything about the current laws that we have, that are already in place, that are already laws, that are way more intrusive than the what ifs or could be's of Initiative 26, and yet you don't even mention them. Why is that ? It is because it is not on your agenda, how about you focus on fixing what we already have, while at the same time moving forward in the process to make a more perfect state for ourselves and our future generations. Rather than going backwards and spending too much time and resources on what might happen. The world might end tomorrow, we do not know for sure how long we are here, but I don't see you scared, or paranoid, or posting blogs ranting on about how the world "could" end tomorrow, why because you know it is the work of an idiot to scare a populous with something that may or may not happen. Yet you continue to do it.

  109. Abortion is so wrong and people do it for many different reasons,most of them are no excuse.Maybe rape or incest,and then I ag
    ree with the person up above 2 wrongs dont make a right.I had a baby at 15 never thought of killing him,have never regretted raising him.I almost died last yr after having my baby girl,I was in a coma.But if I accidentally get pregnant I will not kill my baby and no woman should have a right to kill a baby.

  110. "then what about a persons right to bodily integrity"???

    Are you serious ? Show me where in the U.S. Constitution, the U.S. Bill of Rights, the Mississippi Constitution, the Mississippi Bill of Rights, U.S. Federal Law, or Mississippi State Law where it says "A person has a right to bodily integrity" and I will acknowledge your question, just because you say something doesn't make it law or fact. You cannot just make up your own laws in on a whim because you think it will support your opinion. Good grief, seriously ?

  111. As I have stated before, and as I have posted before. It is already illegal in the state of Mississippi to have an abortion, unless the pregnancy is life threatening to the mother, or it is due to rape. Do you honestly think that every woman in the state of Mississippi that had a legal abortion last year, was because of Rape or because their life was threatened ? I find that hard to believe considering less than 1% of all rape victims end up pregnant, less than 1 out of 1000 victims. It is simply an excuse to abort an unwanted pregnancy, abortion is used as a form of birth control. This process must end. Period. Abortion, as defined by our state law is intended to be used to save the life of a mother, or to protect the rights of rape victims, it is not intended for birth control. You are not, in any stretch of the imagination "pro-life". Your beliefs, and your statements, your comments and opinions by pure definition makes you "pro-choice". You need to take a hard long look at your own contradictive, and confused out look on abortion before you begin to inflict your negligent opinion on others. You are confused about what you think, or believe yet you are trying to pursaude others to vote like you. How can you do that, when even you don't know what to believe ? You are wrong, and negligent to do so.

  112. Jennifer, it looks like you've got some crazies on your page. But just to let you know, that abortion clinic really is closed. It's been closed since before I graduated in 2009. I work at the hospital (just down the street), so I see it everyday on my way to work. It's boarded all up. Looks like the two guys who are arguing so confidently need to check their facts. lol
    P.S. Benjamin, you come across like someone who is very angry with the world. You remind me of a gay man who hasn't come out, so you treat everyone like shit. Anything you'd like to tell the class? hahahahahaha

  113. It's not like this even matters. If the idiots in this state pass this stupid shit, it will be overturned. It's just that simple. Don't worry, Jennifer. These people are too worried about looking good to their church family to worry about using their brains.

  114. Jackson, Mississippi (Jackson Women’s Health Organization)

    If you were a patient in 2010, call Jackson Women’s Health Organization ( at 601-366-2261.

    If you were a patient in 2009 or before, please print out this release [PDF], and include with the signed notarized release, a copy of your driver’s license, and a cashier’s check made out to CASH for $10. Mail to: JWHO, PO Box 18969, Raleigh, NC 27619.

    That is from the National Women's Health Organization, now if they closed in 2009 how could you have been a patient in 2010 ? And I believe the NWHO would know what it was talking about when it comes to the abortion clinic in Jackson, being as how it owns it.

  115. Execution is obviously a form of Justice Jennifer and not murder. Likewise, those who murder, should be put to death. The Bible gives governments the authority to pass down death sentences for crimes such as rape or murder.

    I stand on the authority of the word of God, and Jesus said that his disciples would be hated because of him. It is an honor to be hated for my savior.


    That is a post to a link discussing the possibility of the Jackson Abortion Clinic closing, which is dated June 4, 2010, and it states in there, by the NWHO that it will keep the clinic open. That is June 2010, but it closed before 2009, right ? RESEARCH !!!! That is all I'm asking.

  117. Benjamin, people like Jennifer know the difference between Capital Punishment and Abortion, they purposely blur the line that defines them in a poorly designed effort to create grey areas to further spew their ignorance, and possibly change the minds of others with ignorance to the facts. This is like kicking a dead horse, either Jennifer and her readers are too ignorant to understand the law and comprehend it's meanings or they are refusing to accept what is factual and true. In either case it is pointless to debate them. They will not change, no matter how much truth they are shown, you could stand in front of the ocean, and tell them the water is wet, and they will argue you it is dry, if that is what they believe, because they cannot accept being wrong. It is a mental illness, and a recognized personality disorder. They should seek medical treatment.

  118. Borderline personality disorder (DSM-IV code 301.83): extreme "black and white" thinking, instability in relationships, self-image, identity and behavior often leading to self-harm and impulsivity. Borderline personality disorder is diagnosed in 3 times as many females as males.

  119. Dependent personality disorder (DSM-IV code 301.6): pervasive psychological dependence on other people.

  120. Antisocial personality disorder (DSM-IV code 301.7): a pervasive disregard for the law and the rights of others.

  121. Paranoid personality disorder (DSM-IV code 301.0): characterized by irrational suspicions and mistrust of others.

  122. Anonymous,

    Thank you for your supporting words. They are very true.

    I also want everyone else to understand, that it is EXTREMELY hard NOT to sound hateful in a forum such as this. We cannot hear the inflection in or the tone of each others voices and everything comes off as hateful. I want you to understand that there is a genuine love and compassion behind what I say, because I was once deceived about this very issue! I know where you are coming from, and struggled with it for years. However, a time in my life came when God showed me the truth through his word - the truth of His Gospel.

    I am very inactive about almost all political issues. I do not like to argue over areas that I consider "secondary" However, this issue is near and dear to my heart because I believe that this is a gospel issue.

    The Gospel of Jesus Christ was handed down to us by martyr hands, and I cannot flippantly cast it aside. People DIED and were burned at the stake for issues such as trinitarian doctrine and justification by faith alone. And here we are seriously debating now whether it is okay to flush a baby out of a woman's womb. This is an issue that I would be willing to die over.

  123. Shall I continue ? You get the point, you need medical treatment.

  124. I am done with this nonsense regarding this "blog". I will go and cast my vote tomorrow based on my beliefs, what I know to be fact, and what the Law defines as legal and illegal. You cast yours based on the opinions of others and what ifs and what could be's. Which sounds more logical ? Yeah, I don't expect you to admit it, it's part of your disorder. Anyway, I will vote tomorrow to possibly save the life of an unborn baby, while you will vote to protect the right to kill it, simply based off of what ifs, and could be's. That is reckless and dangerous behavior at best. Anyway, in all accounts, I am done proving you and your readers wrong just for it to keep falling on deaf ears. You are blind to the truth and you refuse to see otherwise. Kinda like another medical condition known as "Tunnel Vision". Again, research and medical treatment is what you need.

  125. I cannot help myself, I must say this before I leave.

    If this Initiative passes, and even IF all the things you say could happen does happen, then this Initiative could be repealed with another vote by the citizens of this state. So, to break it down for you, if it passes, and you and others like you, don't like the consequences of the Initiative, it can be repealed by the same process that made it a law in the first place. So, what are the reasons for not passing this Initiative then seeing how it works, and what implications if any it has ? After all, if you don't like what ramifications it creates repeal it, if it doesn't pass, we will never know. This, just like any law passed by our legislator or by popular vote is not permanent. The repeal process is protected by the Mississippi Constitution, and just in case you, for some reason, don't believe me, I will include the law in this final, and last post. You have no leg to stand on, period.

    Article 3, Section 6. Regulation of government; right to alter.

    The people of this state have the inherent, sole, and exclusive right to regulate the internal government and police thereof, and to alter and abolish their constitution and form of government whenever they deem it necessarv to their safet'. and happiness; Provided, Such change be not repugnant to the consti tution of the United States.

  126. Side 1- Reasonable, concerned citizens who are pro-life but worry about the consequences of increasing governmental controls.
    Side 2- Pro-lifers that include the guy who just lost his shit on a blog written by a person he has never met and is arguing about something he knows nothing about.

    Way to sway the vote, champ. Oh, and I would recommend you go look at or and see just what they plan to do if this thing gets passed. The whole point was to get it passed so that we will fight to overturn it in FEDERAL court, creating a means to overturn Roe v. Wade. You try to sound like you know something and it would be convincing if I didn't know you were cutting and pasting. Too bad people can tell since you are mixing things up. lol Hope you LEARN something from that website, dear!

  127. Jennifer GOOD LORD, I hate that these folks have chosen to try and attack you and your character and mental stability to prove their points. I want for an amendment to be better written. Its not like we only have one shot to protect unborn and this is it...

  128. continued...

    Many of you have called inquiring about Initiative 26, also known as the Personhood Amendment to the Mississippi State Constitution, that we will be asked to vote on this Tuesday, November 8th. I am sure everyone has seen commercials on television or read propaganda material pushing viewpoints both for and against this initiative. While I do not normally weigh in on electoral issues, I feel compelled to share with you my research and conclusions. After all, this is an amendment that speaks to a moral issue. Please do not view this email as my way of persuading your vote. However, I do ask that you research this issue, consider the facts, and make the best decision possible on November 8th.

    Before I share with you my thoughts regarding Initiative 26, you need to know how I came to my conclusions. First, I did good old-fashion research. I read websites and articles from people who represent both viewpoints. Then, I found articles and website that spoke to the issue objectively. By not having a "dog in the fight," I found these 3rd party articles very helpful. They presented facts and logic that was not intertwined with the emotional side of this issue.

    Second, I used my faith as a guide as I sifted through the facts and opinions. It should go without saying that since I am a pastor, that I approach all subjects from a Christian mindset. My Christian faith cannot be separated from who I am, nor can my values be overlooked when making moral choices.

    Third, I began my research with two clear beliefs. I am unashamedly against abortion and I am whole-heartedly pro-life as it concerns the unborn. This may be an easy stance for me to take as a male, but my personal opinion is that abortion in a travesty against the unborn. (As a side note, I am pro-life regarding the unborn but I am not against the death penalty. While this may seem disingenious, I view the death penalty as punishment for an adult who makes a conscience action to do wrong, while abortion is an act against an innocent bystander.)

    When I first heard of Initiative 26, I was supportive of the movement. But the more I heard about it, the less sure I was of it. Thus, my journey began.

  129. continued.....

    I began with the Bible. I wanted to know what the Bible said regarding unborn life in the womb. After all, as a Christian, the Bible is foundational to my morality and values. I discovered that the unborn are known to God. (Jeremiah 1:5, “Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart; I appointed you as a prophet to the nations.”) As I continued my search, I found that the Bible teaches we are created by God and that he watches over us in the womb. (Psalm 139:13-16 "For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well. My frame was not hidden from you when I was made in the secret place. When I was woven together in the depths of the earth, your eyes saw my unformed body. All the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be.") Then, I learned that the life of an unborn child has the same value as the rest of us. (Exodus 21:22-23 “If men who are fighting hit a pregnant woman and she gives birth prematurely but there is no serious injury, the offender must be fined whatever the woman’s husband demands and the court allows. But if there is serious injury, you are to take life for life….”) Regarding this latter point, we have similar laws today. For example, if a drunk driver hits a pregnant women and kills both she and her unborn child, the driver can be charged with the criminal negligence of both deaths. So the Bible seems to be clear. The unborn have value and importance in the eyes of God.

    From my biblical search, I examined the wording of Initiative 26 fromPersonhood Mississippi, which is supported and guided by its mother organization Personhood USA. The initiative, if passed, would "amend the Mississippi Constitution to define the word 'person' or 'persons', as those terms are used in Article III of the state constitution, to include every human being from the moment of fertilization, cloning, or the functional equivalent thereof." On the surface, this seems to be something that every Christian should support. After all, it sounds very pro-life. The hope ofPersonhood Mississippi is that this initiative will help end abortion, but will it? Perhaps. Or, perhaps this amendment will do more harm than good to the pro-life movement by creating unnecessary fall-out and unintended consequences.

    I certainly understand the intent ofPersonhood Mississippi. I don't question their heart, just their methods. They are hoping this initiative will cease abortions in Mississippi and ultimately challenge Roe vs. Wade nationally. Personhood Mississippi's desire is admirable, and like me, you might be sympathetic toward that end. However, I'm not sure that Initiative 26 is the best vehicle to do either. The language and wording of this initiative is extremely vague. So vague, in fact, that it leaves too much room for alternative interpretations. I wish that Personhood Mississippi had defined more clearly the following concepts in their initiative:

  130. continued...

    1. What do they mean by "fertilization"? Yes, life begins at fertilization, as all medical science agrees. But what is fertilization? Is it the moment that the sperm and egg unite? Or, is it the point in time that the male chromosomes and the female chromosomes fuse together to create a new, unique DNA structure? If it's the latter, this process can take 24-48 hours to complete. So in theory, you could have a situation where sperm has penetrated an egg, but the DNA required to create a unique individual doesn't form for another 48 hours. So when, exactly, does life begin? If it's at fertilization, what does Personhood Mississippiunderstand that word to mean? You see, fertilization is not so easy to define…not even for Personhood Mississippi.

    2. How does "implantation" of the embryo into the uterine wall, or lack thereof, factor into this initiative? After fertilization, the newly formed embryo takes one to two weeks to travel down the fallopian tube to the uterus where it will attempt to implant itself into the uterine lining. Prior to this implantation, the embryo only has a short window of life. In other words, unless the embryo implants itself into the uterine wall, it cannot survive. However, once an embryo implants itself into the uterine wall, it is able to gain the nutrients and oxygen necessary to continue its development. (As a side note, the baby's heart does not form and start beating until around day 22 in the pregnancy. This is after the point of implantation.) According to some estimations, over 50% of fertilized eggs never implant, due to malfunctioning chromosomes, improper cell divisions, or simple failure to implant. These embryos are simply discarded naturally during menstruation. If Personhood Mississippi wants to declare every embryo a living person at the moment of fertilization, how do they differentiate between those embryos that implant, or have a natural chance of longterm survival, from those that do not? And, how do they see the constitutional provisions granted to these embryonic persons being applied in both circumstances?

  131. continued...

    3. How does the "age of viability" factor into their definition of life? In medical terms, the age of viability is that moment in a pregnancy when the baby--should it need to be delivered--has a chance of survival. The youngest pre-term baby ever born was 21 weeks and 5 days into the pregnancy. At 21 weeks, a baby only has a 20% chance of survival. At 24 weeks it’s 40%, 26 weeks is 80%, etc. I wish Personhood Mississippi had defined their view of an embryo or fetus that is medically dependent on the mother verses one that has the potential to be self-viable. Furthermore, how do they view the issue of viability as it relates to the issue of defining life? For example, an embryo created for use during in vitro fertilization is undeniably a "life," but those embryos are not viable (meaning, able to survive) longterm in, and of, themselves. Defining how viability directly relates to the issue of life would have averted numerous concerns as to how Initiative 26 will affect real-world, non-conventional applications.

    4. What about non-viable pregnancies? Speaking of viability, I wish Personhood Mississippi would have addressed those instances in a pregnancy there the embryo has no chance for longterm survival due to inherit complications. For example, an embryo has no chance of survival if it is part of an ectopic pregnancy or a molar pregnancy. Furthermore, if a developing fetus' heart simply stops beating for unknown natural reasons, how would Initiative 26 and the fetus's constitutional rights to life affect the mother? Could she be charged with involuntary manslaughter or child neglect? Would Initiative 26 provide the government with an avenue to obtrude into her life, examining her lifestyle, behaviors, and eating habits? Without having addressed how Initiative 26 views and copes with non-viable pregnancies, we do not have any way of knowing.

    Now, I'm not trying to scare anybody. I'm merely pointing out some of the issues created by the vague language in this initiative. I've heardPersonhood Mississippi leaders speak in regard to some of my concerns. However, they respond to these concerns with a simple, "Those things just won't happen" or "It will all work itself out." Pardon my comparison, but I've heard those promises before when concerns were raised about the Universal Healthcare Law that was before Congress (ObamaCare). Once voted into law, those promises didn't hold water! Instead of taking Personhood Mississippi's word for what will and won't happen, I would have liked for them to be a little more specific in their wording of the initiative.

  132. almost done...

    As it stands, Initiative 26 is too vague. I understand that most laws use vague language to maximize legislative reach and application. I also understand that vague language is sometimes necessary because certain terms are hard to define. When vague language in incorporated within a law, lawmakers understand that the specifics of how and when vague laws are applied is left in the hands of the judicial system, which is part of my problem with this initiative.

    Consider this: If passed on November 8th, Initiative 26 will almost immediately be entangled in numerous lawsuits designed to define how, when, and where this definition of a person applies. The problem with this approach is that one judge or a panel of judges will be the one(s) to define this initiative's application rather than allowing the people of Mississippi or their representatives to define its application. When left in the hands of our legislatures, we can at least call or write a letter to them stating our support for, or opposition against, certain measures, but you can't write or call a judge. Our system of government isn't set up this way. I'm uncomfortable with having one person decide how this initiative will impact all the people of our state. A more specific wording for Initiative 26 could have prevented these problems.

    Furthermore, I'm not sure that the whole purpose of this initiative is going to work. Personhood Mississippi, and their mother organization Personhood USA, have openly stated that their intent is to use this law to ultimately challenge Roe vs. Wade in the U.S. Supreme Court. However, Initiative 26 opens the door for more fall-out than simply challenging Roe vs. Wade. I'm not willing to cut off the arm to save the hand. I'm pro-life and I'm anti-abortion, but I also understand that once an initiative, policy, or law is voted into being, they are often very hard to overturn. Just consider Roe vs. Wade. Why hasn't it been overturned already? It's not from lack of trying. No, it's because once a law is in place, it's hard to overturn it. That's why I don't think we'll ever see the end of ObamaCare, the Department of Energy, the IRS, welfare, and I could go on. Even when a better way is discovered, it's often hard to change the bedrock of government that's been voted into place.

  133. and finally.....

    For these reasons, I cannot support Initiative 26. Perhaps the day will come when a better initiative is brought before the people of Mississippi to address abortion--an initiative that has been thought out and carefully worded. An initiative that comes from someone within our state, and not from an outside organization. When that day comes, I'll be the first to get on board. Until then, I'm not willing to add to our foundation something that might cause our house to crumble. If you don't feel the same way, I respect that. If you do, do me a favor and forward my email to your friends and family. My desire is to be a reasoned voice in an emotional debate.

    By the way, here are a few links of some great articles that I found on this subject. I think you will enjoy them, too. (In fact, I was quite surprised to find something this objective from these sources!)

    The New York Times:

    The Mississippi Business Journal:—%C2%A0the-commitment-to-pre-embryonic-personhood/

    CBS News:

    I'm a Christian and I love Jesus...I'm pro-life and against abortion…and I love Mississippi…but I'll be voting NO on Initiative 26 on Tuesday, November 8th.


    Dr. James L. Nichols, Jr.

    Senior Pastor, First Baptist Church, Greenville, MS

  134. Y'all really make me laugh! If you actually read my blog entry you would see that I said I got most of the information stated in this blog straight from I hope you all continue to bash me and tell me I have a "disorder". It's really entertaining to the rest of is.

  135. Forcing women to continue a pregnancy for the sake of "a fetus" imposes an obligation on them that we do not impose on others. And, Justice requires that ALL persons be treated EQUALLY. In our society, we allow people the right to refuse medical treatment and the right to refuse to subordinate their desires or needs to the needs of others. For example, we don't FORCE people to donate their kidneys, bone marrow, or blood in order to benefit or even SAVE the lives of other people. Why then, should women be FORCED to donate HER UTERUS to benefit or save a FETUS? To require this of women is to demand from them something over and above what we demand from society.

  136. Jennifer, I read your blog several days ago and wanted to go back and reread. It looks like lots of cowardly people, hiding behind anonymous, are simply trying to bully your faith. Way to stand strong, way to not be affected by their ignorant rants, you have much courage and I will continue to use your words to help others understand why they should vote NO on 26. What is really scary that these people are scaring others off who have not yet found faith in God. As they force their narrow minded beliefs on others, they simply push them away from understanding the true love of God. For people to say those with the spirit must vote “yes” they truly do not get what true faith is….what a sad time for nonbelievers to see how some Christians are displaying themselves.

  137. The Bible's Teaching Against Abortion

    By: Fr. Frank A. Pavone

    Click here for additional Scriptural summaries

    Answering the Theological Case for Abortion Rights from the Bible

    Audio: Why Scripture Says NO to Abortion [Part 1] and [Part 2]

    Retreat on Scriptural Perspectives on the Pro-life Movement

    The Bible clearly teaches that abortion is wrong. This teaching comes across in many ways and for many reasons. Some people point out that the word "abortion" is not in the Bible, and that is true. Nevertheless, the teaching about abortion is there. This is the case with many teachings. The word "Trinity" is not in the Bible, but the teaching about the Trinity is there. In any case, a person who wants to deny the teaching about abortion would deny it even if the word were there.

    Let’s look at some of the Biblical reasons why abortion, the deliberate destruction of a child in the womb, is very wrong.

    1. The Bible teaches that human life is different from other types of life, because human beings are made in the very image of God.

    The accounts of the creation of man and woman in Genesis (Genesis 1:26-31; 2:4-25) tell us this: "God created man in his image; in the divine image he created him; male and female he created them" (Genesis 1:27).

    The word "create" is used three times here, emphasizing a special crowning moment in the whole process of God’s making the world and everything in it. The man and woman are given "dominion" over everything else in the visible world.

    Not even the original sin takes away the image of God in human beings. St. James refers to this image and says that because of it we should not even speak ill of one another. "With [the tongue] we bless the Lord and Father, and with it we curse human beings who are made in the image of God . . . This ought not be so, brothers" (James 3:9-10).

    The image of God! This is what it means to be human! We are not just a bunch of cells randomly thrown together by some impersonal forces. Rather, we really reflect an eternal God who knew us from before we were made, and purposely called us into being.

    At the heart of the abortion tragedy is the question raised in the Psalms: "Lord, what is man that you care for him, mortal man that you keep him in mind? . . . With glory and honor you crowned him, giving him power over the works of your hands" (Psalm 8:5-7).

    There is the key. Not only did God make us, but He values us. The Bible tells us of a God who is madly in love with us, so much so that He became one of us and even died for us while we were still offending Him (see Romans 5:6-8). In the face of all this, can we say that human beings are disposable, like a car that becomes more trouble than it is worth? "God doesn’t make junk." If you believe the Bible, you have to believe that human life is sacred, more sacred than we have ever imagined!

    2. The Bible teaches that children are a blessing.

  138. God commanded our first parents to "Be fertile and multiply" (Genesis 1:28). Why? God Himself is fertile. Love always overflows into life. When the first mother brought forth the first child, she exclaimed, "I have brought forth a man with the help of the Lord" (Genesis 4:1). The help of the Lord is essential, for He has dominion over human life and is its origin. Parents cooperate with God in bringing forth life. Because this whole process is under God’s dominion, it is sinful to interrupt it. The prophet Amos condemns the Ammonites "because they ripped open expectant mothers in Gilead" (Amos 1:13).

    "Truly children are a gift from the Lord; the fruit of the womb is a reward" (Psalm 127:3).

    3. The Bible teaches that the child in the womb is truly a human child, who even has a relationship with the Lord.

    The phrase "conceived and bore" is used repeatedly (see Genesis 4:1,17) and the individual has the same identity before as after birth. "In sin my mother conceived me," the repentant psalmist says in Psalm 51:7. The same word is used for the child before and after birth (Brephos, that is, "infant," is used in Luke 1:41 and Luke 18:15.)

    God knows the preborn child. "You knit me in my mother’s womb . . . nor was my frame unknown to you when I was made in secret" (Psalm 139:13,15). God also helps and calls the preborn child. "You have been my guide since I was first formed . . . from my mother’s womb you are my God" (Psalm 22:10-11). "God… from my mother’s womb had set me apart and called me through his grace" (St. Paul to the Galatians 1:15).

    4. Scripture repeatedly condemns the killing of the innocent.

    This flows from everything that has been seen so far. God’s own finger writes in stone the commandment "Thou shalt not kill" (Exodus 20:13, Deuteronomy 5:17) and Christ reaffirms it (Matthew 19:18 - notice that He mentions this commandment first). The Book of Revelation affirms that (unrepentant) murderers cannot enter the kingdom of heaven (Revelation 22:15).

    The killing of children is especially condemned by God through the prophets. In the land God gave his people to occupy, foreign nations had the custom of sacrificing some of their children in fire. God told His people that they were not to share in this sin. They did, however, as Psalm 106 relates: "They mingled with the nations and learned their works…They sacrificed their sons and their daughters to demons, and they shed innocent blood, the blood of their sons and their daughters, whom they sacrificed to the idols of Canaan, desecrating the land with bloodshed" (Psalm 106:35, 37-38).

    This sin of child-sacrifice, in fact, is mentioned as one of the major reasons that the Kingdom of Israel was destroyed by the Assyrians and the people taken into exile. "They mutilated their sons and daughters by fire…till the Lord, in his great anger against Israel, put them away out of his sight" (2 Kings 17:17-18).

    Notice that this practice was a religious ritual. Not even for "religious freedom" can the killing of children be tolerated.

  139. 5. The Bible teaches that God is a God of justice.

    An act of justice is an act of intervention for the helpless, an act of defense for those who are too weak to defend themselves. In foretelling the Messiah, Psalm 72 says, "Justice shall flower in his days…for he shall rescue the poor man when he cries out and the afflicted when he has no one to help him" (Psalms 72:7,12). Jesus Christ is our justice (1 Corinthians 1:30) because He rescued us from sin and death when we had none to help us (see Romans 5:6, Ephesians 2:4-5).

    If God does justice for His people, He expects His people to do justice for one another. "Be merciful as your heavenly Father is merciful" (Luke 6:36). "Go and do likewise" (Luke 10:37). "Do unto others as you would have them do to you" (Matthew 7:12). "Love one another" (John 15:17).

    Abortion is the opposite of these teachings. It is a reversal of justice. It is a destruction of the helpless rather than a rescue of them. If God’s people do not intervene to save those whose lives are attacked, then the people are not pleasing or worshiping Him.

    God says through Isaiah, "Trample my courts no more! Bring no more worthless offerings…Your festivals I detest…When you spread out your hands, I close my eyes to you; though you pray the more, I will not listen. Your hands are full of blood! Wash yourselves clean…learn to do good. Make justice your aim: redress the wronged, hear the orphan’s plea, defend the widow" (Isaiah 1:13-17).

    Indeed, those who worship God but support abortion are falling into the same contradiction as God’s people of old, and need to hear the same message.

    6. Jesus Christ paid special attention to the poor, the despised, and those whom the rest of society considered insignificant.

    He broke down the false barriers that people set up among themselves, and instead acknowledged the equal human dignity of every individual, despite what common opinion might say. Hence we see Him reach out to children despite the efforts of the apostles to keep them away (Matthew 19:13-15); to tax collectors and sinners despite the objections of the Scribes (Mark 2:16); to the blind despite the warnings of the crowd (Matthew 20:29-34); to a foreign woman despite the utter surprise of the disciples and of the woman herself (John 4:9, 27); to Gentiles despite the anger of the Jews (Matthew 21:41-46); and to the lepers, despite their isolation from the rest of society (Luke 17:11-19).

    When it comes to human dignity, Christ erases distinctions. St. Paul declares, "There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave or free person, there is not male and female; for you are all one in Christ Jesus" (Galatians 3:28).

    We can likewise say, "There is neither born nor unborn." Using this distinction as a basis for the value of life or the protection one deserves is meaningless and offensive to all that Scripture teaches. The unborn are the segment of our society which is most neglected and discriminated against. Christ Himself surely has a special love for them.

    7. Scripture teaches us to love.

    St. John says, "This is the message you have heard from the beginning: we should love one another, unlike Cain who belonged to the evil one and slaughtered his brother" (1 John 3:11-12). Love is directly contrasted with slaughter. To take the life of another is to break the command of love. To fail to help those in need and danger is also to fail to love.

    Christ teaches this clearly in the parable of the Good Samaritan (Luke 10:25-37), in the story of the rich man and Lazarus (Luke 16:19-31), and in many other places.

    No group of people is in more serious danger than the boys and girls in the womb. "If someone…sees a brother in need and refuses him compassion, how can the love of God remain in Him?" (1 John 3:17).

    8. Life is victorious over death.

  140. This is one of Scripture’s most basic themes. The victory of life is foretold in the promise that the head of the serpent, through whom death entered the world, would be crushed (see Genesis 3:15).

    Isaiah promised, "He will destroy death forever" (Isaiah 25:8). At the scene of the first murder, the soil "opened its mouth" to swallow Abel’s blood. At the scene of the final victory of life, it is death itself that "will be swallowed up in victory. Where, O death, is your victory? Where, O death, is your sting?…Thanks be to God who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ" (1 Corinthians 15:54-57).

    Abortion is death. Christ came to conquer death, and therefore abortion. "I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full" (John 10:10).

    The final outcome of the battle for life has already been decided by the Resurrection of Christ. We are not just working for victory; we are working from victory. We joyfully take a victory that has already been won, and proclaim, celebrate, and serve it until He comes again to bring it to its fullness. "There shall be no more death" (Revelation 21:4). "Amen. Come, Lord Jesus!" (Revelation 22:20).

    Maybe YOU should check YOUR faith before you begin to question mine. I know what mine says on Abortion. I know what the Bible says about Abortion, maybe you should read it sometime.

  141. To Liz, it is funny that you refer to 3 links in your post, let's break that down.

    The New York Times Opinion Page, hmmm, that would be opinion and not fact or law based. Destroyed.

    The Mississippi Business Journal's Op-Ed Page, hmmm, again that would be opinion and not fact or law based. Again Destroyed.

    And Lastly Haley Barbour, who which by the way, voted YES on Initiative 26, so um, why would you link to that ?

    I post links, I copy and paste, because I place laws, and facts here, for you to read, I have a strong feeling that if I didn't post them here, then you would never take the time or effort to look it up for yourself. At least I am not posting and affecting others votes based off a site entitled "parentsagainstms26", hmmm I'm sure that is not a biased site, ya think ? My post are not based on opinion, or biased sites, they are based off of Biblical Law, Constitutional Law and Civil Law, and Facts, the latter 4 you seem to be lacking severe knowledge of. You have still yet to refute my statements or post, so far all you have done is said I was wrong, without proof, and that I have attacked you, when you speak like you do, and try and potentially sway the vote of others because of your ignorance, and failure to comprehend law and truths, you deserved to be "attacked" as you call it, you opened yourself up for it by creating this blog, welcome to 2011.

  142. Your blog is titled "Just the TWO of Us: My view on Initiative 26", by your own admission you said "I got most of the information stated in this blog straight from" So shouldn't it be titled "Just the THREE of Us:'s view of Initiative 26". Then you post a picture of your ultrasound. Your title, as well as the picture is misleading in that your blog represents your thoughts and views, when in reality, and by your own admission it is merely repeating, probably verbatim the talking points of "". You have purposely mislead your readers, by the title alone that what you typed is YOUR view, when in reality it is a biased organizations views, that you happen to agree with. You are obviously open minded person who doesn't really have your own views, just merely adopt others views, purposely mislead your readers by creating false titles, to hook them here, because they believe you are expressing your sincere thoughts and views, I guarantee you that had you titled it correctly "'s views on Initiative 26" you wouldn't have gotten nearly the views or hits, your attempt at being clever in merely spewing the talking points of a bias organization my outwit your ignorant readers, but I am not fooled. Your entire blog, from the title to then last sentence in a misrepresentation of the truth. If your readers cannot figure that out for themselves then they need to be mislead by your falsehoods and deception.

  143. It's nice to see the truth behind "", supports them. You do know who is right ? If you don't, then you shouldn't be supporting a site that is supported by them. "" is extremely pro-choice, extreme left wing liberal organization, check their record. Don't believe me that "" supports the views expressed by "". Direct link to "":

  144. I am sorry, in my last post, substitute "msparentsagainst26", with "parentsagainstms26".

  145. Yes the name of my blog site is "just the two of us" and it has nothing to do with this particular blog ENTRY which is called "MY VIEW ON I 26". One has nothing to do with the other. The title of my blog "just the two of us" is the name I chose for my site because typically what I post is about the life I live with my little girl and because it ha always been just the two of us. I know all about and like I stated in the entry that website has been most helpful with the issue that I MYSELF have with this amendment. So no the name of my blog is not misleading. I am a single mom and do almost every thing on my own outside of the support of my family. Also let's talk about what "pro choice" means. It's does not mean you yourself believe in abortion but it means you believe every woman has a choice to make on her own! I appreciate all the judgement and bible verses that have been slammed at me and the way you all have made it even clearer why people don't want to belong to a part of Christ which is his church. I for sure do not want my daughter to grow up an treat people the way you "true believers" have treated me just from my OWN view on this amendment. Your arrogant ignorance does not intimidate me and it really does not sway my vote to yes. Feel free to continue to show your ignorance or feel free to stop so your damange for the Kingdom can stop as well because I promise it has turned more people off to the "church" and to "chrisitians" than my view in this amendment.

  146. Amen Jennifer. I am so sorry that these ignorant people have attacked you this way. And to the ever so confident and brave "ANONYMOUS", what I copied and pasted was from the preacher in Greenwood.

  147. Luke 6:37
    Judge not, and you will not be judged; condemn not, and you will not be condemned; forgive, and you will be forgiven

    This is for the "Christians" that have been condemning others to hell for the way they have decided to vote.. It is their choice.. So please be kind... Have a wonderful day and don't forget to VOTE today! =)

  148. Yes, from one preacher, from one church in Greenwood Mississippi. You felt enough about this one persons opinion to post it on this blog, which evidently he referenced the 3 sites I mentioned before, The New York Times Opinion Page, the Mississippi Business Journal's Opinion Page, and a site with Haley Barbour, which he voted YES by the way. So basically, you base your view on this amendment on other peoples opinion. That is fact. Facts, by the way are something you evidently do not comprehend. I have not posted or copied and pasted anything that wasn't backed up by facts, or law, or what is written in the Bible. All you people have to go on is opinions and what ifs. You are all puppets on the strings of others opinions. Like I said Jennifer, you have yet to refute my posts. I beg you to please, please refute my posts with facts, laws, or biblical scripture. I beg you, not other peoples opinions, not other peoples what ifs, but actual facts, laws or scripture. Why don't you do it, because you cannot ! Period. And Liz, I do not attach my name to this because I do not want the other 3000 people that has linked to this on facebook to distort, twist, and degrade my name like they have this Initiative simply because I speak the truth, I speak with Facts, I speak with Laws, I speak with Biblical Scripture, only to have you people completely ignore it. So no, I will not attach my name to it. And to be honest, with the ignorance that you are posting, I'm really surprised you feel the need to let everyone know where and who is spewing that ignorance. I dare, any of you, I beg you, refute my posts. Until you can, Shut your mouth, your opinion means nothing.

  149. Nicole, the bible also tells us we can judge a tree by the fruit it bares. You have a great day !

  150. Matthew 7, 15-20, (NIV) To be exact.
    “Watch out for false prophets. They come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ferocious wolves. 16 By their fruit you will recognize them. Do people pick grapes from thornbushes, or figs from thistles? 17 Likewise, every good tree bears good fruit, but a bad tree bears bad fruit. 18 A good tree cannot bear bad fruit, and a bad tree cannot bear good fruit. 19 Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire. 20 Thus, by their fruit you will recognize them.

  151. So you held Haley Barbours hand while he voted yes?? That's how YOU KNOW he voted yes? Because I've seen two different videos one where he said he is voting NO and one saying he is voting YES... So how do YOU know?

  152. Despite expressing concerns with his state’s “fetal personhood” amendment, which would define life as beginning at conception, Mississippi Gov. Haley Barbour voted for it anyway. “He did vote absentee ballot in his hometown of Yazoo City yesterday and he did vote for the Personhood Amendment, which is called also Initiative 26 here in Mississippi,” says Laura Hipp, Barbour’s spokesperson.

    Here is the link in case you want to look it up for yourself. He made a public announcement last week by the way, if you were even keeping up with this Initiative. Anyway, here is the link:

  153. So what does the fruit of judgement from all of these people say about them? I know the scripture. Please do not spout it out to me. You people do not know me. I have stated why I will be votin no. Never have I said that abortion is ok. NEVER! I don't believe an egg is a person. That's what this vote determines. I don't believe and egg can be a person until it's in the mothers womb. That is MY belief but you people take that an attack my character and my salvation is at your disposal. I believe the unborn should be protected but I don't think this amendment is the right way to do it. Simple as that. I know what God says in his word. Please stop treating as if I don't. God knows my heart and my reasons for voting no and He is the only one I answer to at end of the day just as you will answer for your behavior towards people who do not believe just as you do. I will not entertain your judgment towards me.


    Just a couple of more links for you, really, how could you not know how he voted ? It was all over the press last week. Really, a Google search could answer the question of how he voted, really, really easily.

  155. He tells us "Not to throw our pearls at swine" I do not have to know you to know you are swine, and are unworthy of my pearls. And put very, very, very basically, in small words to help you understand. You are swaying people to vote No, based off of your opinion and the opinion of others. Pro-Choice, Pro Abortion groups all over the country is pressuring people to vote NO on this Initiative because they know what it could lead to, the complete banning of Abortion. By voting "No" you are in agreement with them, with the people that are Pro-Abortion, despite what you say, that is what you are doing. If you cannot understand that, then I really don't know what to tell you. I cannot break it down any more easy than that. A vote for NO supports the efforts by Pro Abortion Groups, A vote for YES is a vote against them. I am Anti Abortion, I would never vote along side people or oganizations that believe in Abortion, Period.

  156. Hi, Jennifer! I just wanted to tell you how wonderful I think your post is. I'm sorry to see that some scared little boy has taken over your comments section though. Sir, if you are speaking the truth, why are you so scared to post your name? If you are right, then you don't have anything to be scared of. And also, if you are so right, then you need to stand up and let everyone know, not just the people on this blog because the people in this state are looking for answers right now and obviously if you are so confident you must know what the rest of us don't. It must be so nice to be so wise and know the answer to a problem that is being argued by intelligent people on both sides... I think the real problem is that there isn't any easy answer and nobody is goingt to be "RIGHT" on this. So why don't you let people make up their minds in a civilized manner and if you can't figure out how to do that just go away?

  157. You are granted your choice to vote the way you are for the reasons you are just as I am and like I said I am at peace with God about my vote.

  158. Very well said Erin and Jennifer!

  159. Like I have asked Jennifer to do, many, many times, is to refute what I have posted. Evidently you haven't read my posts, and therefore have no right to comment on them. If you had actually took the time, which I know is asking alot, to read what I have posted, you would see FACTS, LAWS, and BIBLICAL SCRIPTURE that supports a YES vote on Initiative 26, not opinions or what ifs that a NO vote is based on. Simply read, that is all that is required of you, and yet you are too lazy to even do that. And I have been posting this stuff everywhere I possibly can. not just this one blog. But the pure ignorance and stupidity of the author of this blog, and her strict refusal to comprehend the law, our election process and facts, has pretty much captivated my attention. I am completely shocked at her recklessness to sway others to vote her way based on her opinion when she is uneducated in the facts, the laws, and even our election process. It boggles my mind to know there are people out there that is evidently intelligent enough to create a website and a blog, but not intelligent enough to comprehend facts, laws and our constitution. You have my full attention Jennifer, isn't that what you set out to do in the first place by spewing your factually incorrect opinion on others ? It worked.

  160. Of course I have your full attention. Any where in this blog did I ask others to vote the way I am? And how many times did I state these are the reasons I MYSELF are voting no? Also did I tell people reading this to do their own research? You call me ignornant and stupid and reckless and I must ask you what have your comments here "set out to do"? Do you think Jese would call me these things? Do you think Jesus would treat me this way? I don't have to answer to you cause like I said I am at peace with God about my vote. Your approach here had definetly not helped anyone or encouraged anyone to vote yes. I have many friends who are voting yes but have not treated me this way. Again this amendment states when we think an egg becomes a person and I am voting no because I do not think an egg outside of the mothers womb is a person. Like I have said numerous times I do not believe in abortion and I think the unborn deserve to be protected just not through this amendment. Please stop using yourself and your post to make me appear otherwise. Like I said I know the scripture and I am at peace with God as to why I am voting no.

  161. I think the main issue you are working against is the way that you have presented the information in your post. Nobody wants to read what you have to say because you start out calling names and being rude and arrogant. Acting like you know it all and you are above everyone else, when you are talking about something so complex turns people off. You are actually pushing people to vote no and completely discouraging people who are considering Christianity with your attitude. Others have pointed this out and yet you continue. Would you act this way if Jesus was truly walking with you?
    Having said that, I will admit that I didn't read much of anything in your posts. Primarily because your argument skips over the science behind personhood. I can see that you are educated in the law (you're probably a clerk of some kind, right?) and I am educated in science. I know exactly how a baby develops inside the womb, and I have a different opinion of when personhood is achieved. Your argument presumes that I agree that personhood begins at fertilization, but I don't. Therefore, I shouldn't waste my time reading anything you have to say. I just thought I should let you know that you aren't "RIGHT" you are just confident in your own opinion based on what you've read, just like Jennifer. You don't know every side- nobody does. These are all opinions. The only person claiming to be right is YOU!! So stop being such a brat. Maybe if you did some research on the science behind reproduction, you might change your own opinions...

  162. Women are being targeted and discriminated against simply because she can become pregnant. A woman's right to choose what is best for her is being violated. Also YOU are infringing on HER RIGHT to FREEDOM OF RELIGION! You are so typical of most so-called "Christians" You believe that only YOUR BELIEFS are right! To me, you are NO DIFFERENT than those nut jobs of Westboro Baptist Church!

  163. And, just to clarify things, I have a 7 year old daughter, and while my ex-wife was pregant was a very high risk pregnancy. We were still married at the time, we didn't get divorced until my daughter was 4, anyway. The doctors told us that due to my ex-wifes Epilepsy and her continued intake of Dilantin could and has caused serious fetal deformations. Being a high risk, we were referred to Jackson for a 3D ultrasound, which was only used in high risk back in 2004, and abortion was recommended to us by her OB/GYN, because of the possible medical problems my ex-wife could have suffered as well as the burdens of taking care of a child with special needs. We prayed, we talked, and we decided to go ahead and have the child. Mainly because of our (both of our) strong views against abortion. So, please don't tell me I have not been there. Have you ? My daughter was born and all she was born with was a Pulmonary valve stenosis, which she outgrew in the first year. It was both our decisions to have the baby, not just hers. So yeah, I think I have a stake in this too.

    It was BOTH of our decisions, NOT JUST HERS. Men have a stake on this issue as well. It has nothing to do about women or men. What about women who get pregnant and on their own decide they do not want the baby and abort it without ever telling the father, someone who could possibly take care of it, and raise it on there own just like I am. Is it not in his interest, being as how it is HIS baby too.

    And Jennifer, since your at peace with your God, then please explain how you can be at peace knowing this:

    "If men fight, and hurt a woman with child, so that she gives birth prematurely, yet no harm follows, he shall surely be punished accordingly as the woman's husband imposes on him; and he shall pay as the judges determine. But if any harm follows, then you shall give life for life, eye for eye, tooth for tooth, hand for hand, foot for foot, burn for burn, wound for wound, stripe for stripe." –Exodus 21:22-25

    I suppose again you will ignore this, you cannot however choose to ignore what happens to you after this life on Earth has ended. That scripture does not say that the child has to be in the womb, it simply says with child. Glad to know you know exactly when that is, and are at peace with it. Glad you are at peace with your ignorance.

  164. My life after death will be spent in heaven and you are not left to decide that for me. Again you keep acting like I am promoting abortion when I AM NOT!! Just because you believe a certain way does not make people who do not believe the same as you "ignorant" or mean they will not be in heaven. Why do you think you can say that to people and are you at peace with God at how you have treated me? Seriously? I am at peace with God about my vote because this is not about abortion. I believe God gave life to the egg but I dont believe that egg is a person!!! That's what this amendment says!! God also made it where that egg could not become a person with out the mothers womb!!! Please don't question my faith, where I will be after I die, my salvation or my knowledge of the scripture. Why do you think if I have told you I'm at peace with God that I have to answer to you! Why do you feel the need to continue to make me look like I am for abortion when I have stated I am not. I am at peace with God and I will be in heaven and no ones vote for this amendment will change where they will spend enternity!

  165. And Erin, I am RIGHT, and confident in my opinion based on facts, laws and biblical scripture. I do not have to be an expert in a particular field of science to be able to read and article and understand how the beginning of life starts. Basic biology class in high school does that. I am not a "clerk" as you have so cleverly guessed. I am, however very educated on the law and our constitution, my religious beliefs and being a father, a single father with a daughter. I may come across harsh, and rude and whatever else you want to call it, I come across that way because I am passionate about this particular issue, because it is near and dear to my heart, and a personal experience I have been through. I speak what I believe, I speak it force when it takes 50 times to try and get someone to understand they have not a leg to stand on and they continue to tell you they do, even when there is proof, evidence, laws, facts that support my stance. Ugh, just like now. I will be glad when 7 P.M. tonight arrives. I am tired of stating the facts, and laws, and scripture, that refute what was originally posted in this blog, just to have them completely ignored. I also have told anyone to vote YES or NO. I have simply explained by facts, and by laws why a vote for NO would be wrong based simply on the opinions of others, when we have clear laws, and facts to support a YES vote. I too have posted countless links, and begged people to go to them and read them, to do their own research. Ok, unless directly addressed, I am done here. To debate you people in a forum of knowledge is pointless when the facts aren't sinking in, when you let the truth escape you because of subborness to self beliefs. Whatever your view is on Initiative 26, please, please go vote, there are 2 other very important Initiatives on the ballot, 27, and 31, as well as many other very important political races at stake. Thank You.

  166. Again Jennifer you show your ignorance of religion. You said by your own words that you believe God gave life to the egg, and that you are at peace. Yet the bible says that all life is sacred, and the killing of innocent life is unacceptable and guilty parties would be burned by fire (ake hell). But you are right, I don't know where you will go, I can however call an apple tree an apple tree, and a swine a swine. But again, I am ignorant and couldn't possibly understand you, right ? Whatever, your fate is decided by you, and if you feel ok, then you feel ok. But by your own words you have contradicted yourself. So be at peace.

  167. Just because you are passionate about something or it's close to your heart does not mean you should be rude or harsh or question someones character or salvation or what they know about scripture when they have clearly stated why they are voting the way that they are. How can you be directly addressed when you won't even put your name behind your horrible approach here?

  168. You can say I am ignorant of religion but I know I am saved and I know I'm at peace with God for the reasons I am voting no. You also didn't finish my statement which I said I also know that God made it where and egg can not live with out the mothers womb. Yet another way you have twisted what I have said or how I believe.

  169. I also know their will be a lot of people who know all about religion in hell. God does not say you will be in heaven or hell by what you know but by your salvation which I have!!

  170. See? There's the problem. You don't know anymore about the development of a fetus than high school kids. I would encourage you to look that up (not in your daughter's science textbook!) before you vote. But if you don't, that's fine too. I feel like I made the best decision that I could based on my own knowledge and you did too. This is why we live in a democracy in the first place. The majority will decide and things will work out. That's just how life is. There's no point in wasting more time arguing about something we aren't going to agree on. Hope you have a great day.

  171. If you have his salvation, you would not be questioning his word. It doesn't matter if you say "I know God made it where an egg can not live without the mothers womb", your word doesn't over rule the word of God. Who do you think you are ? Just because you believe something that contradicts what the Bible says, doesn't make you right. I didn't twist anything, I do not debate by deception, such as yourself.

  172. How dare you declare you know what God was doing, or thinking. No one of faith would ever profess that. How can you say you are saved, or are of salvation then profess to know what God's thoughts were ? Wow, you really are ignorant of religion.

  173. For you to be professing what God was thinking when he created a woman is really crazy. Just hope that this Initiative isn't a test of faith, oh let me guess, you know it isn't because you know what God is thinking, right ?

  174. Where have I questioned his word. I have questioned you on why you think you decide what I know about it. The word is in place for Chritians to apply to their life the way God convicts them. I'm certain your life does not reflect the bible in all circumstances just like it has not today with the way you have treated me just because you are "passionate" about what you believe in or because "it is close to your heart". We all fall short and we all don't make every choice based on what the bible says. That does not mean we are ignorant or that we wont go to heaven. I have said over and over why I am voting no and I won't argue you with you any more. You vote your way and I will vote mine but just know it does not determine where I spend eternity!

  175. I never said i knew what God was thinking. But I do know that God created a woman and I do know the way her body is designed and i do know that the egg can not become a person outside of the womb!!! Again you are taking my statements out of context!

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