Friday, March 30, 2012

The Little Lozadas Have My Heart

Last week my brother Jason, his wife Casey, and their two kids Jonas and Reese came to MS for a visit! Brooklynn was so excited when she found out they were coming. We had not seen them since this time last year. It's hard to have family that live so far away especially when both parties are so busy. The kids hit it off as soon as they arrived. It was like we had just seen them yesterday. We all piled up at moms for the weekend and the fun began. Brooklynn was in hog heaven having two play mates at her disposal. They all played SO WELL together! I think if we lived close to each other they would be as thick as thieves and the best of friends.  I enjoyed it just as much as Brooklynn did. Catching up with my sister-in-law is always one of my favorite things to do. Brooklynn was on her Uncle Jason's hip most of the time. She took to him just like she does her Uncle Bob Bob. I have said it before and I will say it again. I love my siblings so very much. God made us all a perfect fit. Jason and Robert both married beautiful women on the inside and out who also fit perfectly with our family. Jay and Case I loved every second of yall's visit! Brooklynn and I love you and those little Loazadas very much!! Below are a few pics of the weekend while they were here.

I love this picture

Reese waiting to blow out her candle

sweet cousins

silly silly

B loves her Aunt Casey

One HAPPY Grandma

Little Jason & little Jennifer

After the Lozadas left town we packed up and headed to the lake. It was so nice to end the weekend out on the water. We took a boat ride all the way around the lake and just relaxed and visited. B was loving the sunshine just like her mommy! These pics were just too cute not to share!

She is my little ray of sunshine

life jacket on and ready to ride

Grandma & Brooklynn Rose

me & mini me

She loved that Mr. Donny let her drive the boat

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Happy Birthday, Lyvi Love

This past weekend we celebrated Olyvia Faith turning a year old and it was a  BLAST! Jamie Lee did such a fantastic job decorating and making it as cute as possible. (which is no surprise) We had the party at the Sharon Community Center and there was such a great turn out. The place was filled with lots of giggles, squealing babies, and sweet fellowship with family and friends. It was so good to see everyone and just enjoy some time celebrating my precious niece.

It's hard to believe it has already been a year. Where has the time gone? When Olyvia was born she brought so much to our family. Robert and Jamie Lee are such great parents! As I have said before I was heart broke when Robert told me they were moving to LA because we had just found out that Jamie Lee was pregnant. Well Brooklynn already has two cousins that live far away and I thought this would be one more that we would never get to see or grow up with and of course that made me so sad. Robert promised me that would not be the case and he has made good on that promise. This past year we have all fallen in love with Lyv'.  Brooklynn Rose loves her so much. She has always been attentive to her ever since she was born. The bond that those two girls have is something I cherish very much. When Olyvia sees Brooklynn her eyes light up and she gets the biggest smile on her face. She knows who Brooklynn is. She knows Brooklynn loves her and that is very important to me. Brooklynn only has one sibling and she never gets to see her and she does not even know she exists and that is heart breaking for me. When I was growing up my big brothers and my big sister meant the world to me. We are all still very close and that is something I wish Brooklynn could have. Well Lyvi is the next best thing. Brooklynn loves her like a sister and I know they will grow up and remain the best of friends! Robert and Jamie Lee are moving home soon and I couldn't be happier about that.

Olyvia Faith, you are so beautiful! You bring so much joy to our family and we love you very much! I can't wait to watch you grow up and enjoy every second I get to spend with you. Happy Birthday my Lyvi Love!

smash cake = presh

Her whole birthday party was Owl theme.

This was so good!!

How cute was the cake and cup cake's? Her smash cake was super cute too!! Below are some of my favorite pictures from this past year. They are so sweet and dear to my heart.

B takes her job as a "big cousin" very serious.

Fun times with my girls

Have you ever seen something so sweet?


This makes my heart smile.

Precious family

She is so beautiful!

I gave her first french fry.

sweet sweet girls

bath time

love you Lyvi Love


Pawpaw and Lyvi

I love my family.

two sleepy but sweet girls


sweetest kisses

sweet baby

Pawpaw and his girls

awe I love this

Best Friends

My brother and his girls.